Confusion (1)

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      In Seoul, 2039, the cityscape that was once a familiar view of vibrant lights and crowded streets, had transformed into a dazzling capital of glossy skyscrapers that seemed to touch the sky.

     One morning, an 18 year-old boy named Nishimura Riki, better known as his stage name, Niki from the South Korean boy band, ENHYPEN, awoke in a room that echoed the futures aesthetic. Holographic displays decorated the walls and a soft glow emanated from the edges of a smart mirror. As he glanced at the calendar, confusion clouded his face, the date read 2039..!?

     Niki approached the mirror, his heart pounding as he took in the reflection of a man in his thirties. The once baby faced features had matured. He then bolted outside his window to see that the city outside his window was a very unusual place, with floating vehicles gliding through the air

     "What in the world..?" Niki whispered to himself, rubbing his eyes as if to get rid of the complicated reality.

   (169 words) 
(Chapter 2 soon :D)

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