Unexpected Reunion..? (3)

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     "Wait, I recognize you, you're Niki, right?" Sunoo's eyes widened.

     "What are you doing in Seoul!? It's been ages!" Sunoo added.

Niki felt a mixture of shock and relief.

     "Sunoo! Yea, its me. I-I woke up and everything is different, the date, the city and i don't know where the others are!" Niki explained, his arms moving in random ways like a robot.

Sunoo's expression quickly shifted into concern after that.

     "Different? Dude, its 2039!" Sunoo exclaimed.

     "Yeah, I know," Niki replied.

The weight of the situation settled on Niki's shoulders and he could not shake off the urge to find out what happened to ENHYPEN.

     "Sunoo, what about the others? What happened to Enhypen?" Niki asked, his voice tinged with anxiety. Sunoo hesitated for a moment before sighing.

     "Things changed, Niki. After you disappeared, it was tough, Heeseung, however...... he just, couldn't bear it, he's gone and Enhypen disbanded after that."

The words hit Niki like a punch to the gut. Heeseung, the charismatic and talented leader was no more and the group he cherished crumbled in his absence.

"W-What? N-No, this can't be happening," Niki muttered, his mind struggling to process the devastating news.

As Sunoo explained the events that transpired, the conflict, external pressures and the tragic lost of Heeseung, Niki's heart sank deeper into despair. The once unbreakable bond of ENHYPEN had shattered, leaving behind a trail of pain and loss.

Determined to understand, Niki found himself into a heart felt conversation with Sunoo. The two friends strolled through the unfamiliar city together, reminiscing about the early days of their journey together.

"Remember when we first met?" Sunoo chuckled, a hint of nostalgia in his eyes.

"Yeah, it was during the auditions, you had that infectious energy." Niki replied, a small smile playing on his lips.

(298 words)

(Your welcome, chapter 4 soon.)

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