Realization (2)

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     Suddenly, Niki remembered the South Korean boy band he was in, ENHYPEN, his mind was filled with questions. Determined to uncover the truth, Niki grabbed his phone and began searching for any signs of his fellow Enhypen members on social media. The digital place was unrecognizable, while searching for any trace of his members, a sense of isolation crept over him as he grappled with the possibility that ENHYPEN might no longer exist in this altered future.

     As he got his stuff and began to navigate the city streets a barrage of thoughts raced through Niki's mind.

     "Do we still talk? Are we still Enhypen?" the uncertainty naggged at him until he found himself standing in the heart of Seoul, the city that once felt like a second home.

     In a busy street lined with holographic billboards, Niki bumped into someone, almost losing his balance

     "Ah! I'm sorry!!" exclaimed a voice, as Niki looked up, he found himself locking eyes with a familiar face, it was.....

(166 words)
(Chapter 3 soon <3)

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