Living with Country's (Hetalia Fanfic)

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"Honey, you need to quiet down a bit, you're gonna wake up Ashley!" I moved around in my sleep, hearing my mom and dad argue, again..

"DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO, AND WHAT NOT TO DO!! I CAN DO WHAT I WANT, IT'S AMERICA, FREEDOM OF CHOICE, LADY!!!!" I shot up from my bed, getting scared from the loud, booming voice.

"Mark, you're clearly drunk, just go to bed and you'll be fine.." This is when I started to slowly walk down the stairs, watching the argument in the kitchen.

I wish I hadn't gone downstairs.

"WOMEN, IT'S AMERICA!! I CAN DO WHAT I WANT!!!" I know my dad's drunk again. He usually comes home like this...

"Please, just calm down and-" She fell to the ground, a knife in her stomach. "MOM!!!" I shrieked, running to her, holding my bleeding mother.

"My turn...." My drunk father slurred, holding a gun in his mouth. My eyes widened. "N-No, please dad, NO! Not you too!!!" I was too late. The blood was everywhere.

"A-Ashley.." I turned to my poor mother, tears streaming down my face like a waterfall. "You have two brothers... you guys were separated when you were born..."

"They're names are....Feliciano, Lovino a-and Seborga .." She coughed. I held her sobbing, begging her to stay with me.

"G-Go to them, Ashley. I trust you to find them... I love you with all of my heart, Goodbye.."

She took her last breath, smiling as she went to her sleep...a sleep from which she would never awake from....

(A/N: Seborga is a brother of Lovino and Feli, but he doesn't have a human name (hopefully the Hetalia producer's will give him a human name).)

Living with Country's (Hetalia Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now