Authors Note- Ashley

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Hello my wonderful Readers! This miny chapter is gonna be about Ashley, and talking about her, pretty much all of her information!


Ashley Vargas.



Hair color:

Dark brown.

Skin color:

A bit tan.

Eye colors:

Left eye: Red (covers it with hair)

Right eye: A brownish, blue.


Lovino, Seborga, and Feliciano Vargas.

Medical condition:


Ashley Vargas is a 16 year old girl. She has dark brown hair and her skin is a bit tanned. She has a rare condition making her two eyes different colors. The left eye is red, and her right eye is a brown ish blue color, but she usually covers her left eye with her hair. Ashley does have asthma, and she can't drink alcohol, or she'll end up in the emergency room. She has three brothers, Lovino, Seborga, and Feliciano.

Yup, those were some things about Ashley! And I know some of you amazing readers asked to please update. New chapter coming soon, so don't worry!! :) Well, yeah.. Bye!

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 17, 2015 ⏰

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