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We pull up to my house. It has large windows, a grandeur entrance, and a circle driveway in a copy-and-paste neighborhood. Painted grey and white with black detailing on the shutters, door, railing, and fixtures outside.

You think I'd be scared to live in a large house by myself but it's the only piece I have left of my family. The only place with memories and items of theirs that I can look at. I also, truly, never felt alone there. 

I could see the purple hue seeping through the curtains of my bedroom at the right upper part of the house. I forgot to leave any of the other lights on since I was rushing. The darkness brought a slight comfort to me so I wasn't too worried. 

Sev loudly slurped the rest of his Slurpee, "Did you want me to come in? Make sure everything is okay with the house. I still can't believe you live here by yourself." Sev asked concerned. 

I looked at him, "No Sev, I promise I'm okay. I don't mind it. In a twisted way, I just pretend that they're still there. Mom and Dad are in the living room watching The Real Housewives and giggling. Luke is in his room on the other side of the house blasting rock music and fake drumming. This house is all I have left of them. I also try to play music 24/7 or have the TVs on to make it feel more like home." 

Saying it out loud felt foreign to my mouth. I never admitted what pushed me through my days here. I'm not gonna cry. I'm not gonna cry. I tell myself over and over again. 

"I don't blame you. Sometimes I think Luke is just gonna bust through my door demanding that we go to the 'sickest party ever' and tackle me to the ground until I say I'll go." A slight smile graces his face, his eyes misty. 

"Well, I promise that I am all good. Thanks for tonight, Sev. But just so we get things clear, I have every right to go to any party I want to. I'm a grown adult. I wanted to be with Leila more than anything, but even so, you can't push the narrative on me about Luke's decisions. We are different people. That's beyond unfair." I explain. 

He tenses a flash of emotions covering his face from sadness to anger and sadness again then a calmness. "I'm sorry I pushed you and used Luke to get you out of there. Seeing you there reminded me so much of him and the mistakes he made. I couldn't even bear to think of the same thing happening to you, Maeve. I just want you safe."

I go to grab his hand lightly as I would any friend. "I appreciate you, Sev, I do. If it makes you feel better, if I ever decide to go to a party again, I'll send you a text of when I get there and when I come home."

"You won't invite me to come with you? Damn, that's fucked up." Mischief danced in his eyes. I let go of his hand to grab my Slurpee and purse. 

"Oh well, I don't want to bother the 'Adult'. You're the one with the full-time job running the accounting world. I didn't think you had any time for parties anymore." I smirk. 

A laugh escapes him, "I can make it work. As long as you are safe, that's all I care about."

"So what, you'll be in the corner like a bodyguard while I get shit-faced and dance my ass off with Leila?" I giggle. 

"Hell yes. I'll dress in all black and even bring shades to make me look more intimidating. No one will fuck with you and you'll get home safe and sound." He imitates how he would stand, puffed chest, arms crossed. Oddly enough he's already wearing a black v-neck, a very tight one showcasing every muscle. 

"You're hired." I take my hand out to shake. He, professionally, grabs my hand in agreeance with his new fake job. 

He suddenly pulls me closer, his minty breath fanning my face, "It's an honor to work for you boss."

All of the breath I had left my lungs at that moment. A blush crept up my cheeks then he pulled away laughing his ass off. 

"You're such a jerk," I say as I start to open the door. 

I get out of the car and he quickly follows behind me. "Hey, let me at least take you to the door. Why don't you have the damn front light on?"

"I forgot, I was rushing." I move towards the front door, digging for my keys in my purse in the pitch black. Suddenly, hands begin to rub my lower back softly and breathing comes to my neck from behind.

I instantly freeze. Sev and I may playfully flirt here and there but we never crossed a line. He was my brother's best friend. Thinking of him in that way didn't feel right. 

"Sev, I don't want you getting the wrong idea." I go to turn around and see that he's coming out of his car again. The feeling of hands instantly left me. 

"What? I couldn't hear what you said." He starts to jog back to me with my phone in his hand. 

"Wait, weren't you just behind me?" I ask, clear confusion settling on my face. 

"I was for .5 seconds and then I remembered you left your phone in the cup holder so I went to grab it. Is everything okay?" He asks slowly. 

Am I losing my mind? The same thing happened earlier tonight. Was I drugged? Am I hallucinating? And here I am accusing Sev of getting the wrong idea. I need to just go to bed. 

"Yes, everything is good. I just got confused." I finally find the key in my purse and open the door quickly. 

The vanilla-scented, comfort wafts through my senses. I flick on the lights, the chandelier glimmers beautifully in the foyer. I set my purse on the side table with my Slurpee. Sev stands in the doorway, rigid. 

"See? I'm more than okay. Thanks for walking me up. I will see you later? Hopefully, sometime soon and not a year?" I ask as I come towards him ready to hug him goodbye. 

He instantly moves away from me. "Uh, I'll see you around. Remember to text me if you go out." His eyes gravitated behind me before he curtly nods and headed to his car with his hands shoved in his pockets. 

I stand there in shock. Because 1. Sev always hugs me goodbye (things like that mean a lot to us, especially with the person who left us so suddenly), and 2. What was he staring at so intensely?

I look behind me to only see the same portraits of my family, my favorite art piece, and the small gray couch we have placed on the side of the stairs. Nothing seems amiss or different. It all looks the same. 

I softly close the door and lock it, putting my back against it and exhaling loudly. I hear Sev's car engine slowly fade into the distance. I go to trudge up the stairs, the pain of these shoes hitting me more than ever.  

I take them off as I move up the stairs and head towards my wing of the house. Thankfully, we have automatic 'night lights' that come on when you pass in the hallways. 

Moving closer to my room, I can hear a soft melody playing from my speakers. I must have left the playlist I had on when I was getting ready. I push my door open to see the same light-grey walls and purple-flower-printed comforter on my king-sized bed. A slowed version of 'Go fuck Yourself' by Two Feet is playing. 

The dark corner holding my desk and plethora of books, looks darker than ever before and beckons me to look at it. I fight against it but a part of my mind keeps ushering me to look more closely at that corner. To steps towards it. 

My heart races erratically, my eyes now zeroing in on the corner, and my steps cautiously moving towards it. I'm now only less than a foot away. I don't see anything yet I feel something. Something palpable and in the air. 

I hesitantly take another step and the lights go completely out. The music loudens and hands come around me. 


What are your thoughts? I promise this is going to GET BETTER!!!! I need to build it up before we get to the juiciness. I hope you enjoy it!!! 

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