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Avana and Orion, two retired magic users, who now live as muggles, weren't expecting Dumbledore to be at their door, holding a young baby girl in a basket.

Before that, they had no kids, but now Maeve was brought into their world. They couldn't have asked for better.

They wanted to raise Maeve as a muggle girl, not wanting her to ever become involved with the magical world due to the curse that she was born with.

Maeve Grinblehawk, she was born with an unexplainable curse. Her body produced a powerful aura the moment she was born, and this aura alerted every wizard in the wizarding world, including Voldemort.

The evil wizard Voldemort wanted the young girls power, no matter what he had to do. However, Voldemort had someone else he wanted to destroy. Lily and James Potter.

Voldemort decided to go after Maeve first, after trying the killing curse on her twice, none of it affecting the dark lord. However, the spell was not affecting Maeve due to her curse being that powerful.

Before Voldemort had the time to take her, other wizards and witches were already on the way, knowing that Maeve was in danger.

Harry, he was saved by his mother, Lily. Her love was so strong that it killed Voldemort, or at least, weakened him to the point that he couldn't return without help.

Dumbledore had to find homes for the two young children. Harry ended up with his Aunt and Uncle the Dursley's. Maeve ended up with her now mother and father, Avana and Orion.

Maeve woke up on her 11th birthday, the same day as Harry's birthday. She was so excited as she ran downstairs, ready for her presents.

She jumped in joy seeing her presents on the living room floor. She then overheard her parents.

" It's a letter from Hogwarts.. we should send her. She's getting older, and her curse may unlock soon. "

Maeve heard her mother speaking. She went into the kitchen, rubbing the back of her neck as she smiled brightly to her parents.

" Good morning, mom and dad! "

Maeve exclaimed with happiness exuding from her entire being. She always could make a room light up just with her presence.

" Oh, morning sweetheart! Happy birthday! "

Orion said.

" What's in that letter?! Is it another present for me?! "

Maeve asked with joy, her father then shaking his head as he sighed, giving off a bit of a saddening aura all of a sudden.

" No darling. This is your Hogwarts letter... "

Avana said with pain in her voice, Maeve tilted her head, confused at why her parents seemed so sad because of a letter.

" Hogwarts? What's that? "

She asked.

" Listen, Maeve... we never wanted to explain this to you. However, you should know. We aren't your real parents. "

Maeve heard those words in slow motion as she felt her heart shatter into pieces, or at least, that's what it felt like.

" You... what? "

" Listen darling, you are a very powerful girl, and your real parents were killed. We took you in as our own and decided not to tell you. "

Maeve's eye twitched, suddenly going from pure sadness to complete anger.

" Huh!?!?! My parents are dead?! "

Maeve yelled as she hung her head low.

" This can't be true... I'm dreaming, right? Right?! "

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