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Draco Malfoy

I walk up the grand staircase leading to my room, I stop for few moments looking at the photograph of my mother. As I stare at it, I feel this heavy feeling inside my chest.  I think about the words that her mother had said before she left, about how she knew what my family was about.

"Aunt Bella won't train him I will!" I was snapped back with Nic's voice coming from the library, whose door was slightly opened, dim yellowish light peeking out of the crack.

I walk through the stairs, striding near the library. "Nic, don't be silly. Bella will take care of Draco's training you have other tasks. Do that." My father's stren voice reaches my ear.

"I'm Dark lord's right hand not her. I'm at higher rank than her. I'll do it." Nic says I could hear the anger in his voice

"You do not dictate who trains who, I'm the one who tells you what to do not the other way around. Bella has more knowledge in Dark magic, he needs theory and practical combined" My father says and I stop in place, his anger is evident.

"What if I refuse?" Nic says, I could hear his voice getting louder.

"You will not refuse." He says in a low voice before he adds, "and I am not asking you, I am ordering you"

"if she's more experienced in dark magic then how come I'm at the higher rank than hers," Nic scoffs, I could hear the arrogance in his voice

My father stayed silent for few moments, he probably trying to think what to say— a long sigh escaping him before he says "I don't care, Nicolas. Dark lord wants Bella to train him, so she will,"

"And what if I refuse still?" Nic says as I edge towards the library trying to hear more.

"You know well what happens to those who do not obey the dark lord's commands, especially his most loyal supporters" he says through his teeth.

"Aunt Bella is going nowhere near him, I demand that father and as my rank is higher than yours, you'll listen" Nic asserted finally

I tense as I listened and held my breath as my father spoke in his coldest voice "Your demand is not to be accepted, he will be trained by Bella and you will stay and watch for few moments each session. So you will know that nothing odd is going on."

My father's rage and anger were evident, I don't have any idea why Nic is doing this, why not just let it go, it's not like it would matter to him.

"And do you think I'll allow you to just disobey me freely simply because you're in a higher rank than I am?" he replies in the same tone.

"Oh, you don't have any choice father," Nic scoffs and I hear his footsteps coming near the door of the library, I quickly step away from the door and Apparate to my room just in time before he could see me.

"Eavesdropping is not good brother," I hear Nic's voice making me curse underneath my breath as I turned around to see him standing at the door

"Says the one who reads people's mind without their consent," I retorted rolling my eyes

"That's different- it's not my fault you haven't learned to block your thoughts yet, " Nic says flatly.

"I have more important things to do than practice Occlumency 24/7" I say.

"Oh like what? Sleeping with that half-blood?" He raises his eyebrows

I felt my teeth clench as I feel my rage starting to build up.

“Do not talk about her like that” I said, my voice starting to rise 

"Why not? is she something precious to you?" He asks his voice a condescending tease, he loves to make me angry and he knows it too.

Malfoy | Draco Malfoy [Book1](Unedited!)Where stories live. Discover now