He cheats on you - Grayson

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You and Grayson have been dating for a 4 months now. 

You've never been happier. You guys would send each other cute texts, which would just make you fall in love more and more.

Your POV: I woke up like every other day by laying in your bed for awhile then actually getting up and start getting ready to start your day.

You notice you got a strange texts from Grayson so you replied..

Grapeson💜😍😘-Babe wake up

Grapeson💜😍😘-Ashley i hope your only sleeping and not ignoring me

Grapeson💜😍😘- Babe please tell me your not mad at me..

Grapeson💜😍😘- Ashley please text me back i have to talk to you.

Grapeson💜😍😘- let me explain everything

you- what are you talking about gray i just got up?

Grapeson💜😍😘-  so you haven't been on twitter..?

you: no why.....

Grapeson💜😍😘- Ok before you go look let me explain.

You went and twitter anyways, you noticed that you had alot more notifications then you usually get so you click on them. At the moment you saw some pictures of grayson and some girl  kissing and holding hands. you drop your phone and wiped the tears from your face. your phone kept going off from grayson spamming you again.

Grapeson💜😍😘- ashleyy common please text me

Missed call from Grapeson💜😍😘

Missed call from Grapeson💜😍😘

Grapeson💜😍😘- Ashley answer the phone.

you- why should i?

Grapeson💜😍😘- because i need to explain

you- explain what , that you were kissing some girl?

Grapeson💜😍😘-  yes  but i need to explain what happen ! its not what you think

you- common gray do you think I'm that stupid never in a million years would i ever do that to you!

you- please tell me you didnt sleep with her....😣

Grapeson💜😍😘- Ashley i was so drunk and i thought it was you and when i woke up this morning and saw the pictures from last night i started shaking cause i realized i screwed up Ashley i would never want to cheat on you i swear your my everything if i could go back to last night i would of never went to the party babe please  believe me.😣

 (you left him on read for about 10 mins before you replied)

Grapeson💜😍😘- please text back 💔😔

you- wow.. just wow...😞😒

Grapeson💜😍😘- you dont know how sorry i am. I'm crying right now and i never cry Ashley there is no way in the world i can truly so you how sorry i am please forgive me i will do anything😔 i love you more than anything💜 and i know this is the first time i said i loved you and this isnt the way i wanted to tell you. i had everything set up so today you would get a big custom teddy that has a little had that was supposed to say
" i love you to infinity and beyond- Grapeson"

( this was the first time grayson said he loved you, you didnt know how to feel you were beyond pissed but at the same time you were so happy cause he said he loved you)

you-  I hate you so much right now.. 😒

Grapeson💜😍😘- I don't blame you  i screwed up.

you- yeah you did.. but that's not the only reason i hate you right now..

Grapeson💜😍😘- then whats the other reason..

( at as soon as you went to reply your door bell rang and it was the ups man with a box that was taller than you, so you signed for it and it was from grayson and you opened it and it was a huge teddy bear that said exactly what grayson said it would say and it even had a box of chocolates..)

you- because even though i'm so pissed at the fact you cheated but i cant get over the fact that was the cutest was tell me that you love me and that the bear is so huge but so soft and cute i don't know if i should be mad at you or if i should be so happy about the bear and you saying you love me..😣

Grapeson💜😍😘- well how about i come over and we can talk cause i don't want to ever loose you and ill bring what ever you want to eat and after we finish talking we can watch Netflix?💜

You- ok fine. why is it so hard to be mad at you gray..

Grapeson💜😍😘- cause im so loveable and you love me and i will always love you.


This imagine was for @AshleyNHolloway and i hope you love it! it took me a while i didn't know how i should write it and i felt this way was the best way so i hope you enjoy it!

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