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     In the middle of a busy street, animals run around and clog up traffic. Families and couples panic in their cars, others honk their horns and scream for them to get out of the way. On the curb, Eva sits with her knees pressed to her chest and mind deep in thought. She's been quiet. Very, very quiet. 

     During the whole ride in the truck, Eva hadn't said a word to anyone. She sat in her own corner away from the others and refused to engage. Even when they'd Iris Messaged Luke. Even when he asked to talk to her. 

     Annabeth, Percy, and Grover talk amongst themselves. Grover encourages the animals to be free and explains to his friends that they needed a satyr's blessing. 

     Annabeth glances over at Eva. "What happened when she pulled you outside?" She finally asked. She'd been wondering since they left the restaurant. 

     Percy steals a peak at her, too. "She just needed someone to talk to, I guess she's in her head a lot lately," he says. 

     "And she went to you?" 

     "Is that a problem?" His question is almost daring — like he's daring her to make a problem out of something so small. 

     Annabeth folds her arms, hesitantly shaking her head. "No. No, I just think it's kind of weird she went to you and not me or Grover," she says. "I mean, she's just known us longer. You've been here for two seconds and suddenly you're best friends with her." 

     Annabeth's jealousy was beginning to show. Or maybe it's bitterness. Maybe both. Either way, it's not exactly a good look for the daughter of Athena. Annabeth had never acted out of character like that before, so to say it surprised her would be an understatement. This quest was turning her into a different person and she wasn't sure if that was a good or bad thing. She drops her arms and squeezes her hands, trying to regain her bearings. 

     She shakes in a quick breath, "I'm just worried about her," she says. "It has nothing to do with you." 

     Percy nods. "Yeah, me too. She's not herself." 

     Annabeth shuts her eyes tight. Everything Percy was saying was getting under her skin. She was choosing to blame it on all the stress. And trying to be the bigger person, she chooses to go stand by Grover. The blonde-haired girl had always been more accepting of other campers and those closest to her. Percy couldn't fathom the idea of Annabeth, of all people, treating him the same way Luke does. 

     He watches carefully as Eva stands from her spot on the curb and decides to engage. He walks over with a hushed tone, "What did you piece together back at-" 

     "Lotus Casino is right behind us if everyone is ready," she cuts him off. 

     Percy's gaze softens. Not him. Please, not him. Not when they've been through so much and come so far. Not when they've established an alliance. It's a bit tragic, really; how it's so easy for her to shut off how she feels without a care in the world. It didn't matter to Percy if she were trying to protect herself. 

     You can trust me, he thinks. Out of all people, I swear you can trust me

     Annabeth and Grover nod, both leading the way. Eva keeps her distance behind them and Percy instinctively falls into step beside her. Forbidden, forbidden, forbidden, he thinks. Don't touch, don't want. His hand brushes hers in the slightest, and he shoves down whatever feelings arise when she puts her hands in her jacket pockets. 

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