Prologue-The meeting

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After Clover gave up their soul for monsterkind, he found himself in an endless, empty black void that seemed to stretch on forever in all directions.

He wandered being only a mere outline of what he would look like normally, with only their soul being seen through the outline.

Clover continued wandering for what felt like forever and no time at all until they found someone, they appeared to be a fox like monster sitting on their legs like a Japanese person and adorning a traditional Japanese dress with there eyes closed.

"Hello!?" Clover called out to them

The fox looked startled as their eyes shot open and looked around frantically before they found the speaker.

"Who are you!?" The fox monster yelled startled and slightly afraid.

"I'm Clover" He replied in a cheerful tone as to not scare them farther "who are you?" Clover finished as they slowly approached.

After a little while of them analyzing Clover and seeing their soul she slightly lowered her guard "I'm Kanako, Kanako Ketsukane."

Clover stood in stunned silence "Y-your Kanako Ketsukane?" He spoke out after a few seconds

"That's what I said right" Kanako said rather annoyed. 'Really takes after her mother huh' Clover thought slightly annoyed and pleased at that fact.

"Nothing I just have met with your mother and others I'm sure you were close with" He reply's after a second.

"Really!?" Kanako said now very excited. "Yeah, I met Starlo, Ceroba, Axis if you know him, Dalv, the rest of the feisty five, and a few others." Clover says now realizing just how many people they had met in the underground.

"How is everyone I haven't seen them in... forever" Kanako said slightly losing her enthusiasm at the end.

"There great! Maybe a little sad from what happened recently but they'll get over it soon I'm sure, there really tough." I said proudly.

"That's great! Say would you mind telling me more about yourself?" She asked curiously. "Only if you tell me about yourself after." Clover retaliated "Fine" Kanako replied to curious to say no.

"Alright well I'm a soul of justice and the sixth fallen human although I bet you could already gather that, um I like western culture especially cowboy movies and other related things, I hade a pretty normal childhood for the most part until I came to look for the other fallen humans, and I gave up my soul willingly to help save monsterkind." Clover says taking pride in what they had accomplished.

"It sounds like you would get along with Starlo." Kanako said as she fought back giggles. "Yeah we do get along well, even if he's a little bit to intense at times." Clover said "Yeah I can understand that." Kanako said thinking back to the times she had met with Starlo.

"Anyway your turn to tell me about yourself" Clover said ready to learn more about Kanako.

"Alright well, I'm the daughter of Chujin and Ceroba Ketsukane, I'm a boss monster, I'm interested in robotics and engineering but also love the western cowboy theme, I convinced my mother to let me partake in an experiment which led me to the lab and I woke up here and have been here since." Kanako said spilling some of her life to Clover.

"Wow that's quite the way to go" Clover stated. "You say it like yours isn't" Kanako replied. "Touché" Clover said.

"Well now what do we do?" Clover asked wondering more about this place. "We sit here until something happens to either of us or we stay for eternity I guess" Kanako shrugged. "Well sounds like we will get to know each other very well then" Clover said "Yep" said Kanako popping the p.


Thank you so much for reading it means a lot! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. What will happen next when they are back in action just keep reading and find out!

(Credit for photo Undertale yellow devs)

Clover x Kanako-Meeting in "death" Love in life (Undertale Yellow)Where stories live. Discover now