Given life and reawakening

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An eternity is how long it felt after being stuck in that void with nothing to do but sleep, think, and talk, you get to know who you talk with like the back of your hand. Clover and Kanako were in the void for so long they knew everything about each other and had maybe started to develop something deeper.

However after almost 11 years in real time something interesting happened.

Clover started to feel something it was like they were being forced into another plane of existence and it got worse until they were thrown into an entirely different void with no ability to warn Kanako, who was sleeping at the time. All Clover saw after being transported, was 5 other people each an outline with a different color soul in a back void.

"Ugh... where am I?" Clover asked. "Who knows." Said the purple soul. "Well well well lookie here!" Said an oddly high pitched voice Clover knew all to well. "Flowey?" Called out Clover the purple soul and the dark blue soul simultaneously. "That's me!" Flowey called out. "And you realize it's not just you 6 here right?" "What do you mean?" Said the orange soul. "Turn around and you'll see." Flowey said before he left. "Gosh darn it!" Clover yelled out "Give us some answers Flowey!"

However Flowey didn't return so the souls did as he told them and turned around. "W-what?" Said the green soul slightly frightened. As they turned around there was the entire population of monsters all with white glitching stuff over their eyes all stiff as statues not doing anything.

"AH!" Screamed the light blue soul being the youngest.

"What the hell?" Said the purple soul

Everyone stood still not knowing what to do and stayed there for a few minutes.

"Shoot!" Clover yelled suddenly remembering Kanako and how he had just left her with no warning.

"What's wro-" started the green soul but was cut off by a draining feeling in all of their souls.

"W-what is this?" The orange soul asked strained.

"I don't know" replied Clover

After a few seconds the feeling stopped and Flowey appeared again. "Hello again I'll be putting you back in your body's shortly!" Flowey said

"Y-you mean we get to live again?" The purple soul said shocked and curious "Yep!" Flowey said energetically

"Hold on if your able to save us are you able to save the people in the lab?" Clover asked wanting to save Kanako.

"I'll certainly try to but my power won't last long and I'm quite far from there so it might not work. But I'll do that for ya Clover!" He said with a wink.

"You know his name!?" Screamed the orange soul wanting to find out more. "Not now let's talk later for now I've gotta go. Cya!" Flowey said as he went underground. Somehow (A/N:how does he burrow on any material?)

All of a sudden Clover felt the pressure on his soul that he hadn't even realized was loosening. Then a massive drain in how he felt and the tension was gone. After a few minutes he felt the tension come back but it felt right like it was supposed to be like that.

He felt drowsy but he opened his eyes anyway and- "Eyes?" He said before going into a huge coughing fit lasting almost a full minute before he could breathe and it still took a few minutes to stop coughing completely. He finally stopped coughing only to realize that meant he had lungs and a mouth. He was a person again but where was he? It was completely dark except for one line of light that surrounded the area above home in the shape of a coffin.

After realizing this he started to push on the lid of the coffin. His muscles started burning immediately after not being used for 11 years straight.

He moved the heavy lid about an inch enough to see the outside but not leave. Seeing outside though made him more determined to get out. He forced his body to push harder and he made enough of an opening to get out of the coffin.

He forced himself up out of the coffin and stood. Only for his legs to buckle and fall face first out of the coffin. He stood up holding onto the wall for support. "Where am I?" He wondered looking around the grey walls and seeing a stairway. He headed over and was met with the greyness of new home. He tried to find his way back to the steamworks to get to the wild east but soon realized he had never been to this part of new home.

He wandered looking for something he had seen and saw an elevator. He went in and arrived in west new home. He followed what he remembered and ended up at the MTT resort.

Stopping to rest for a few seconds Clover looked around the resort and did a double take. "Huh? This is different isn't it? Wasn't this the UG apartments?" "Yes it was" said a strange looking monster in the food stall. "Who are you?" Clover asked very confused. "I'm Burgerpants. And this used to be the UG apartments before this big shot took it over." Burgerpants said holding a Mettaton face steak and looking very stressed. "Huh" said Clover not knowing how to react to that. "Well I should get going" Clover said remembering what he was doing. "See ya around I guess." Burgerpants said as Clover departed "Please don't come back" he said when Clover was out of earshot.

Clover rushed through the Steamworks ignoring the laundry chute wanting to see if he could find Axis on the way back. He ran through only to run into a janitorial robot (what was it called?) he quickly spared the robot and continued through the Steamworks. After a few encounters and jumping over some flowers to avoid the gardener he managed to get through the Steamworks but not before taking some hydrochloric acid.

Clover slowed down going past Starlo's parents house and into the wild east. Reaching for his hat Clover realized he didn't have it with him. He went into the wild east and went to the saloon.

Thanks for reading I don't know why so many people are reading this because it's awful but hey if you like it you like it. But now what will happen as Clover enters the saloon? You'll see!

Clover x Kanako-Meeting in "death" Love in life (Undertale Yellow)Where stories live. Discover now