(28)Convict of Volition

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It didn't take long for the cops to arrive.
The sirens blared, and the lights closed in.

Fights in the slums would be fine, usual Lungmen gang behavior.
The LGD didn't have much say around here anyway. These lands were the territory of the rat. Master Splinter looking ass.
Unfotunately I hadn't met him, made me worried about if the LGD would ignore me too.

But I had caused more than enough panic by blasting my shotgun.
No silencers, no suppressors. Attention whore of a blast.

It was within my knowledge.
I needed the LGD to find me.
To doubt my origin, my intention.

If I had fired that shot early the timing would have been off.
Using it during the battle would be impossible.
Luckily, I didn't need to.

I raised my eyes from the steel flooring.

Atmosphere is a formidable weapon.
We do not sleep on it.

The factory door opened with a loud thud and cops started barging in.
Batons and shields at the ready.


''Put your hands up and surrender! You are under arrest!''

5 became 10.
10 became 20.

They hissed, they shouted.
They threatened.

They closed in.
I didn't move a muscle.

They were cautious.
They had to be.

After establishing a circle around me and my captives, they stopped advancing.

Who knew what I was capable of?
What if I got angry and devastated their little force as well?

They needed backup, so they'd call for it.

''I will not repeat it again! Surrender yourse-''

''Shut the fuck up, will ya?!''
'I heard you just fine the first time.''

I raised one of my hands and slowly got up to make sure that they wouldn't think I was going to attack them.

''I'll get up now. Don't try anything funny.''

At this, the officer; whom I assumed to be the head of the task force, was quite shocked.

''That's my line!''

'' Whatever you say pal. Now here is how this is gonna go.''
''You will call one of your superiors. Maybe even your Superintendent. Until then, I won't cooperate.''

At this, he scowled.

I know how police forces work.
He probably wanted to capture me himself, to earn credit or contribution.
Giving this hot case to someone else would be missing an opportunity.

But did he have a choice?

Behind me lay many people that were knocked out, and a corpse with its skull detached and exploded.
If he fumbled the job and caused casualties, that would end his career.

He had to take his bet.

The lower-ranked cops kept closing the circle.
He needed to give the order now.

What will it be, mister officer?

In a cold sweat, he raised his hand.
The circle of mass stopped closing in.

'' Back away for now but keep the parameter. We shall wait for reinforcements.''

The logical choice.
A good choice.

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