Bad day - P.P

176 4 1

Info : you just having a bad day and your girlfriend helps you 

Word count : 679

A.N - I love fanfic pansy so much. She owns a piece of my heart forever


Today has been one of those days, my seasonal depression was starting to kick in and as much as I love colder weather today was just not it. 

I was still in my dorm where I'd been all day, I was supposed to be getting ready even though I slept away almost half the day. I desperately needed to study for potions exam on Monday so I decided to do my skin care routine and put on some makeup to make myself feel more alive today. 

I really didn't feel like doing anything today, all I wanted to do was lay back down in bed avoiding everyone eat ice cream and rewatch vampire diaries and maybe cuddle wit np h my girlfriend but I knew if I didn't study I would without a doubt fail potions and then receive a long long letter from my parents telling me how I should have done better, that I'm a disappointment, how I'm letting down the family and all that. I guess I'm used to that sort of stuff now but I'm already feeling really down and I don't really need or want it getting worse don't want to so instead I went back to focusing on the mirror trying to brush my hair but or at least make it look pretty but I haven't washed it yet and it's really gross and greasy and is refusing to cooperate and I really felt like crying right now. when I saw my makeup that I put on before, normally it makes me feel more pretty but today My emotions were getting the better of me and I thought I looked absolutely disgusting and I hated it. I felt so overwhelmed so I threw my hair brush on the violently breaking it in half and I broke down sobbing.

 My roommate, best friend and girlfriend Pansy must have been down in the common room and heard me because I heard light feet rushing down the hallway and next thing I know she was bursting through the dirt looking panicked but when her eyes met my crumbled form on the floor curled into a ball they softened.

"Hey, hey hey what's wrong my love" she said crouching down beside me wrapping her arms around me gently pulling me to her chest.

"I'm just so tried and my hair is gross and may make looks horrible and I look really ugly and I really really need to study or my parents are going to get mad at me when I fail but I don't understand potions at all and and" I rambled crying harder my finger nails ripped across my skin scratching myself

I really felt like a throwing a fit but I felt so drained mentally that I didn't even care

"Aw babe..." pansy spoke " hey stop that you're going to hurt yourself stop. stop." She said firmly taking my hands in hers gently noticing what I was doing 

"why don't we go take a shower and I can wash your hair if you want and we can cuddle together and then later I'll help you study because I do understand it. We'll figure it out together" she said

"I'm sorry" I cried "you don't need to waste your time helping me"

"It's ok my darling really I love you" she said "take a breath love it's okay"

"We all have our bad days like this love it's ok. Common let's go take a shower"

She stood up and pulled me up with her taking my hand leading me towards the bathroom slowly we removed our clothes and we stood in the shower me cuddled into her body resting my head on her chest. She chucked wrapping her arms around my body running her hands up and down my back

"I love you so so much my darling" she whispered 

Hey hey

How are you guys?

I'm always open to feedback and request for both stories or characters 

I hope you are all doing amazing

I was gonna go to dream world today but it's raining 😒😒

Thanks for reading 🌻🏳️‍🌈

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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