Part 4

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A/N : I know I am late... scratch that.. I am super late. I apologize for the delay but got extremely twisted with work. Anyways this is the next chapter and I hope you guys enjoy this. 


"Jassi open the damn door!!!" came the panicky voice of Rahul. 

 Jassi ran towards the door catching the towel in his hands praying to all gods to save his shame from being exposed in the corridor only to find Rahul balancing two cups of coffee in one hand and two bowls of crackers and popcorn in the other hand. 

"I don't see any matter of urgency which I heard in your voice. Why are you such a drama queen Rah? " spat Jassi with an ugly scowl.

 Rahul frowned but instead of replying he breezed past Jassi and placed all the contents in his hands on the table and turned towards Jassi and dared to chuckle seeing the fast bowler clutching the towel at his waist with his dear life and scowling. 

Jassi's scowl deepened and he asked while closing the door "I am honored to be humoring you at this moment Rahul but do tell me the reason for you banging my door as if we are heading towards an apocalypse." 

"I am tired with all the babysitting man. Shreyas is good when he is a brat actually, this brooding Yas is difficult to handle and let's not start about the slouching Kuliya. Watching Kuliya makes me wanna bawl my eyes off. So now I am gonna relax with coffee and snacks binge watching FRIENDS with my friend." ranted Rahul and added "Though I suggest you put on some decent clothes before we start." with a cocky voice which was awarded with a flying pillow from Jassi. 

The stage was set for the Binge watch and Jassi was in "decent clothes" so the friends sat down to watch FRIENDS. 

Half way through the series when the snacks and coffee were drained out both of them realized they were not really watching anything. Their focus was on the food and now that the bowls and cups are empty they are clueless.

 "I may have suggested this marathon but I assume we're both aware of the fact that neither of us is actually watching this." came the sheepish voice of Rahul. 

Jassi paused the episode and sighed "We should probably go check on Vi Bhai and Ro Bhaiya Rah." sensing a protest he continued "we cannot avoid them due to guilt forever. They are our brothers. They are OUR people." 

Rahul nodded and now both the friends marched towards the rooms of the said elder brothers only to come face to face with Shubman GIll. 

"Hello Jassi bhai Rahul Bhai. I was searching for you both. Ishan and Siraj wanted to go out so Shreyas bhai said he will take them to a park he knows. I also want to to go with them bhai. Can I go?" asked Gill with a low and hesitating voice. 

Rahul smiled and nodded his head in a yes which brought a small smile on the face of the youngster while Jassi reminded Shubhi to be careful and return before dinner. 

Upon receiving an yes and Rahul sending a cautionary text to Shreyas, Rahul and Jassi started their march towards their destination to only be interrupted by Shubhi again who informed them with a timid voice that Vi bhai and Ro bhai were on the terrace making the marching duo to look at each other and contemplate.

Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma were sitting on on a small staircase on the terrace of the hotel staring at the setting sun. For onlookers they would appear as if enjoying the sun set on an early winter evening but for those two occupying the staircase there is a storm brewing in their hearts. Storm of anger, sadness, heartbreak, angony, shame, disappointment and an unfulfilled dream. 

The storm razing in their hearts were clear to both Virat and Rohit but there were two more hearts who understood the pain of their elder brothers. 

Jassi and Rahul knew this wound will forever hurt their elder brothers but they swore to help them on the path of healing because a nasty scar is better than an unhealed wound. 


A/N: I hope this chapter of mine makes it worth of your reading time. Please do comment so that I better myself in the next part. Again I am extremely sorry for the delay. Take care folks!!   


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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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