Chapter 6: Pride in Modernity

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Modern individualistic society worships pride under guises like the the self-made man, meritocracy myths, and insecure overachievers. We absorb messages that pride drives success. But lonely is the perfectionist CEO stretched thin by ego demands.

When national and group pride breed dangerous ethnocentrism, transcending hatred requires humanizing the other. Challenging privilege should build empathy not engender defensive pride. Change proceeds by unlearning fear rather than vanquishing imaginary enemies. 

Restoring community means subordinating image crafting to authentic connectedness. Some awakenings emerge only after ego dissolves - the humbled addict embracing recovery, the former extremist renouncing hate, the fallen leader making amends. Having indulged in the finite's pleasures, wisdom dawns of life's transcendent meaning.

A Cardinal Vice: PrideWhere stories live. Discover now