Bad trait

17 0 6

Think about the random word that you have got before again and the last letter of it is the bad trait of your oc!

A- arrogant

B- bossy

C- cold-hearted

D- dishonest

E- ego-centric (think of only him/herself)

F- fussy

G- grumpy

H- harsh

I- impatience 

J- jealous 

K- kibosh

L- liar

M- mean

N- nervous

O- overemotional

P- pessimistic

Q- quick-tempered

R- ruthless

S- secretive

T- timid

U- untrustworthy 

V- vengeful 

W- weak

X- sorry but no, think of another word!

Y- yapping

Z- zealless

Eaglestorm is timid, my poor girl~


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