Part 15

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Michele and Simone went the stairs down followed by other students

Michele mentions the conversation she had with Laubrac this morning

„Moped racing!? See, I knew it was right for you to talk to him"
Simone said happily

„I don't know how this helps me, but okay"

„The more you know, the easier it is to get to him"

Michele thought about it and asked her, „Do you think so?"

Did she really want that?

Get to know Laubrac better?

„I know about it. You just need to relax a little"
Michele was amazed and wondered how Simone knew so much about it

„Are you seeing anyone?" Michele asked, smiling at her

„No not at all"

Michele moved on

„Actually, yes I am"

Michele stopped and turned to her in shock. „Qui? Tell me everything!"

„Well" she blushed and looked around to see if anyone would see them before she started talking


Michele couldn't believe that Simone actually had a boyfriend, Eugene, and that they had already kissed

Life is so unfair.

Michele has never kissed anyone

She sat down on the step next to Simone
„Do you think you'll get married? To Eugène"

„Isn't it too early to think about it?"
Simone asked

„Aren't you worried he'll want to take things further?"

„I don't know" Simone thought about it

„I hope I find a husband soon" Michele said, looking around. „So I can leave my parents house"

,Michele's uncle, the Dean approached Laubrac and they talked together and Laubrac handed him a book.
Her uncle quickly walked past the girls to return back to school
„Happy New Year, Miss Palladino"

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