How did I get here?

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I woke up startled by the crackle of lightning. I wasn't just scared when I woke up on the cold floor. I was confused as to how I got there. The last thing I remembered was someone hitting me in the back of my head. Which brought back the pain I felt before I passed out. Struggling against the wraps around my body. I turned my head left and right trying to get a feel of my surroundings. A plain white room with a single door camouflaged into the wall and a flickering light bulb above that seemed to be the only source of light in the room. No windows. No furniture,nor a sign of life. I screamed for help but no one came. The room was silent other than the low rumble outside the room.

About an hour later a woman came through the door. She had a nurses uniform and a white complexion that made her look like a ghost. She was talking to a girl outside the hall. Judging from her voice she seemed agitated. Her voice was unmistakable. It was Angie the last person I wanted to see right now.

"She seems to be doing much better with the medication we've been giving her but the blow to her head may have caused her to suffer from amnesia, but theres no way to know for sure until we've done farther tests. " the nurse said. Amnesia? How can i have amnesia?

The nurse ushered Angie in and brought her a chair to have her sit next to me and left.
"Hey Emma, how do you feel. Do you remember me?" She said.
I shook my head even though I remembered her clearly.
"Where am I?"
"You're somewhere safe. They put you here because your a harm to yourself and people around you. Including me." Tears glistening in her eyes as if it hurt to see me like this, but I knew it was all fake.
"How long have I been here?"
"A fews days."
"Why did you come?"
"To tell you why your here and why you deserve it." Clearly annoyed with the question.
I didn't know what she meant by that so I let her keep talking.
"You're here because of the things you have done to me. You were the cause of everything that happened to me. You were threatened by my relationship with Charlie and just had to ruin it. And for what, to keep him away from me. It worked he's gone now and your the one responsible and you will pay." She said almost yelling towards the end. Her breathing heavy and shallow.
I didn't remember much of what she was talking about. "Maybe I do have amnesia." I thought. However, what she said did jog my memory.

Everything that happen began with her.

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