From the Beginning

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It was the first day of being a freshman. I was so excited to see my best friends Angie and Charlie. Hoping that today was going to be the day that Charlie asked me out. Since the last day of eighth grade Charlie had been texting me nonstop. Throughout the whole summer I haven't stopped thinking about him. How his dark hair made him look like a dork. A cute one though. And his eyes. Oh his eyes, they were a beautiful shade of green that would just make me melt when I saw them. He was just perfect.

Of course Angie had to ruin it all. When I first arrived there they were waiting for me at a table in class. As I was coming over I noticed something that just made me burn with anger.

They were holding hands. Each finger intertwined with the other. Why did Angie do this to me? She knew that I had feelings for him ever since the first time we met. I tried to act as if it didn't hurt but it did. What did he find in her that wasn't in me? Was it her physical features that won him over? Was it her dark brown hair or the splash of freckles on her nose and cheeks? My head was flooding with questions.

Thinking about them together just gave me a headache. The irritation bubbling inside me wanted to get out, but I had to hold it in. I wouldn't dare let it explode especially on the first day of school. Every one would just think I'm crazy.

"Hey guys," I said as a sat down. As I said it I couldn't help but notice that it came out a little bitter than I wanted it to be.

Angie's grin started to fade but quickly went back to its original form. And Charlie. Charlie was just sitting there with a stupid smile on his face which made me even angrier. If only he knew how I felt about him. If he knew maybe he could leave her thinking it was all mistake and I'm the one he wants. I just needed to make him see it.

"How was your summer?" They both said at the same time.
"Fine, yours?"
"Amazing!" They said.
However, before we could continue the teacher arrived and cut our conversation short. The whole time I couldn't help but look over at them and hate the fact that they were together. It was not going to work. I had to do something about it. I needed to get rid of Angie.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2015 ⏰

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