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Part 2 of L.O.V.E


Lights POV:
'I hate this...' Light thought as he was laying with Violet restrained so he couldn't leave

'So why do I want more....?' Light thought horrified that he could even think about allowing himself to find comfort in Violets embrace

"Darling~" Violet purred in Lights ear as he hugged Light from behind. Light flinched at the feeling of hands around him

"You seem to be having difficulty with your emotions what's wrong?~" Violet cooed as Light trembled in his arms

"Nothing..." Light mumbled. Violet immediately pinned Light to the bed with his hand holding lights chained ones and his leg between Lights Thighs

"Darling... you know lyings wrong!" Violet whispered in Lights ear

"So what's wrong?" Violet said in a warning tone as he held Lights chin so he remained meeting his gaze

"I...I...why... I..why....do... I....want to...be...in your embrace..." Light stuttered out voice but a whisper as he asked the question he knew the answer to...

"You want to be in my embrace?" Violet purred as he than cuddled the other close

"Than let me embrace you~" Violet says in Lights ear

"No...no... no...this is wrong..." Light says trembling in Violets hold

"Its just right Love~" Violet whispers

'No.. it's not the reason I want this its because I want comfort after everything... this isn't love... this isn't right...'

'Violets 'love' is obsession not love'

'It's not right...'

'I don't want this'

'I just want someone to care for me not this...'

'Someone please help me...' A single tear fell down Lights face as he thought about everything he's gone through to this point he just wanted someone to comfort him not this not this... forced L.O.V.E

The End
Word Count: 305
Hope you all enjoyed especially you @_D3m0n_Br3ad

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