Chapter 9

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The rest of the day was filled with boring classes, filled with boring work, that I'm never gonna use. The only thing I'm gonna use is love.

Which I sadly don't have anymore.

I sped for the door at the end of trig hoping to run into a certain someone before they took off for lunch.

"Oh, uh, sorry I didn't see you there," Jason said as he bumped into me.

"Jason, what are you doing back here?"

Jason had left the small town of Rosewood in the fall. Right after his sisters disappearance. No one really knew where he went, or how long he would be gone. Spencer had suspicions.

She said it was weird that he left right after the disappearance. She was right. I've thought about it a lot actually, the reasons why he would have left. I even had an awful thought, that maybe he has something to do with Alison being missing.

I can't imagine him doing anything like that though, even if he was a stoner.

I can remember it like it was yesterday. Alison had all of us over, and we were lounging out in her front yard. Jason came out and started complaining about Alison taking something of his (probably his hidden stash of rum) and hiding it. Alison knew how to get on people's nerves, especially Jason's. Apparently she had hid something of his in one of her million hiding spots around the house. She had almost as many hiding spots as she did secrets.

Spencer had been teaching Alison how to play field hockey, so with a field hockey stick in her hand she went at him. Arguing like their lives depended on it.

"I know you took it, don't deny it Alison!"

"Oh don't blame me, maybe one of your stoner buddies took it as a little prank" she had said in her sarcastic voice. Knowing just how to push his buttons.

"Alison I swear I'll-"

"You'll what?"

They had stared at each other for a while, planning there next move. All the sudden Alison took a swing with the stick, aiming right at the face. Jason caught her hand before it could make contact, and started to squeeze.

You could see Alison's face start to flush, though Alison wasn't going to admit defeat. She loved being the constant center of power. Jason finally let go and ran in the house. That was the evidence of Spencer's theory, and it was pretty solid.

"I missed home I guess," he said grinning.

"So where are you staying?"

"Well with Alli still missing, I'm taking the house,"

"Oh. So how long do you think you'll be here?"

"As long I can without losing interest again I guess,"

"So that's why you left?"

"Look Aria, you'll find that this town is so small that only the primest of civilians can tolerate it. We both know I've had my trouble with ethics in the past, but that wasn't why I left. If you stay in this town long enough, it'll crush you. No matter who you are," he seemed like he could see the confusion in my eyes, "it was nice to see you again. We should catch up sometime!"

I smiled the most fake smile I could presume, because I knew what I just heard.

He pretty much admitted to knowing more about Alli's disappearance.

More than he should.

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