Chapter 17

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The hospital smelled smelled of Clorox and liquid Benadryl. My nostrils were overwhelmed once we got up to the fifth floor.

"Hey, you guys." Ashley, Hanna's mom greeted us at the counter.

"How's Hanna?" Spencer asked.

"She's fine, stable. They might have to do surgery to remove her spleen, but other than that she's alright. She hasn't woken up yet, the doctors say it'll be any minute now," she handed the lady at the desk a credit card as we looked around for Hanna's room, "room seven."

We grinned at her. The biggest lie we told was that grin.

"Try this one," I could hear Ashley say. She handed the lady at the counter a different card before I entered the room.

We sat on the sides of Hanna's bed waiting for her to awaken. Waiting for her to start yelling at us for not killing that 'A' person after they practically ran her over. We wanted to. More than ever. But we had to make the choice, save her or kill 'A'.

"Knock knock," Ashley's mom said walking in.

"Hi, Ms. Marin," I croaked out.

"Hello girls," there was curiosity in her voice, but who could blame her? He daughter was just ran over and she doesn't even know,"So can you girls tell me what happened to my daughter?"

Spencer and I looked at each other. Contemplating our next answer. Just then Emily ran in.

"Hey! Sorry they stopped me in security to check my purse, apparently it's protocol."

Ashley looked at Emily and sent the hurt from her eyes to Emily's.

"What happened tonight?" Ashley had the right to know.

"Hanna-" Spencer stopped me before I could go on.

"Hanna was walking and not paying attention. A car hit her."

Simple isn't always the best way to tell a story. It bring up questions, and not all of them can always be answered.

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