(79) July 11, 2020

52 6 0


Cleo Madonna



How are you na?

I miss youuu 😭

When can we see each other? I've been so busy talaga huhuhu my schedule is sooo full.




Awwww you're putting me on the "wave" zone 😔

I feel like you're busy lol

If you don't wanna text me, just say so.

Nvm, don't bother haha. I'm not gonna text you na lang. Just message me na lang if you have free time. I'm always available for you naman :)


Hello. I was doing something. Sorry.


Lol, okay lang! Forgiven hahaha


And here I thought you're actually mad.


Lol chill, bestiee

It's so fun getting messing with you hahahaha

But yeah, I'm not mad. I was honestly wondering how you'll react.

Anyways, how are you? Coffee after the lockdown ends?

Maybe we can film a "Q and A with the bestie?" 🤞🏻


Not nice, Cleo.


Wooowowoww you still can't take a joke, can you? Lol

I just miss u okay? But now ur making me feel bad

And now you're not replying. Ako na lang palagi ang mali sa ating dalawa.

What happened to our friendship? 😕

You know what? I'll message you some other time na lang when you're not hotheaded. Minsan na nga lang ako maka-make time to message my bestie, tapos ganito pa.

I hope you're okay there with the new girl. I really miss you!!!

Miara's MistakesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora