Kraang Go Boom

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  Standing with one leg on the roof ledge and the other on the ground, I  sighed as we saw no activity from the Kraang, as it has been the whole night. Hearing Leo, I looked over and stood by Donnie who was looking at his T-Phone. "Yet." he corrected Leo, and I folded my arms hearing Mikey's background noises from his games on his phone was being loud and annoying. "This game is awesome. The combat is so realistic!" Mikey exclaimed and Raph stood in front of him, arms folded. "Well, you want me to make it more realistic?" Raph asked and Leo sighed,"Guys, stop messing around." he said sternly and Donnie piped up,"According to the Kraang storage device that I decrypted, some kind of scouting ship is coming through the KRaang portal tonight." I glared and nudgeed Mikey seeing as he still wasn't paying attention. "So we all have to stay alert." Leo stated and I was about to do something when a familiar voice shouted over the rooftop. 

"Yeah, you never know what could sneak up on you." I rolled my eyes as Leo stood in front of me, since our last encounter, wasn't exactly the best. "Funny, Karai. But we're not in the mood." he said, and she attacked Leo,"We don't have time for this. Guys!" Leo shouted, making me grab my sword, and slash at her, which she only dodged and shoved me into Leo making us grunt and fall on top of each other. Our faces went red, and I stood up, helping him up as the others took their turns at her. Looking at Leo when she flung Mikey, I ran with him and our swords collided, but she only smirked. "You really know how to make a girl feel welcome." she stated and she looked over at me and smirked, as Leo shoved her away and stood in front of me in a protective manner. "But I can see someone is alrady taken." she stated and smirked pointing her small blade," I heard the scrawny one mention the Kraang. What's going on?" she asked and I glared at her. "That's none of your business, Karai." I told her and Donnie piped in,"And I'm not scrawny!" 

"I'm svelte!" he added  making me roll my eyes with a smirk as I slashed my swords towards her and she pushed me back once again, before pouting? "Aw come on, let me in on the fun." she said, making me look at Leo, only for Raph to ruin the plan of keeping our knowledge to ourselves. "Look, we're a little busy trying to stop the beginning of a alien invasion here, so do us a favor and get lost!" Raph shouted and for once she seemed genuinely shocked. "An alien invasion? Are you serious?" she asked as we heard thunder and sounds from TCRI. My eyes widened seeing a flying Kraang ship come out from the building,"This can't be good." Leo said, and I shook my head,"Definitely not." I agreed backing away with them as the ship spotted us. "I hope you have a plan for fighting that thing." Karai stated making me want to throw her to the Kraang so we wouldn't have to deal with her anymore. "Of course I do...step one.." Leo paused as we took off running when lazers were shot at us. "Run!" I jumped down into the alleyway being grateful it couldn't fit through but it was still scanning for us, so I knew we weren't done away with it yet. "What was that?" Karai asked as we ran,"I don't know, but on the top of my head, I'd say they use it for flying and shooting at things." Leo retorted making me smirk as we lost her and hid in front a car, remembering to compliment Leo on that later. 

"You think it knows where we are?" Mikey asked and I stayed crouched next to Leo," I don't know, maybe." I stated sarcastically only to gulp when the car we were hiding in front of started floating. The guys loooked at me and I held my hands up. "I'm not doing that." I stated looking up as pink filled the alleyway. "But that is!!" I shouted as Leo grabbed my hand and ran, going near a manhole cover. "We need to get underground!" Donnie stated and Leo looked at me. "Stay here, I'll lead them away!" he stated and shook my head,"But Leo-" I started only for Raph to place his hand on my shoulder. "He's got this. He'll be back." he stated making me sigh and nod as I went down, glancing back at Leo before I climbed down, my heart pumping as I heard Raph shouting for Leo and an explosion, only to sigh in relief seeing Leo. "You know you scare me doing that." I muttered making him smile," Someone has to be the Knight to your Shining Armor." he stated making me grin. "Oh, so I'm a damsel in distress now am I?" I asked teasingly making him chuckle nervously knowing that I've confused him with the adorable nervous chuckle and stutter he does. 

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