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A quiet dialogue unfolds,
In earth's vast expanse,
Where solitude molds.
Echoes of absence reverberate,
Thoughts untold,
Silent whispers in a world grown cold.

Isolation's weight...
An invisible shroud,
Veiling the heart in a desolate crowd.
A solitary journey,
Where shadows cower,
Loneliness thrives in the silent hour.

Through the empty corridors of the mind,
A search for connection...
A solace to find.
The absence of presence,
a void defined,
Alone... Lonely...
An internal bind.

Yet in the quiet, an introspective gaze,
Loneliness morphs into reflective maze.
A dance with solitude, where the soul sways,
In the stillness, finding resilient rays.

      - Willisha

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