Chapter Six: Emmett

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It's been two weeks since I kissed Lylah, the day after I kept apologizing to her. She had said that it was okay. I don't know how I could've let myself do that. Of course, I had alcohol in my system, but I still shouldn't have done it.

Now it's like I can't stop thinking about her, I have seen her for the last two weeks and altogether it's been about three weeks now, I believe. It's almost a whole month. We have been to a couple of theme parks, been to the movies, and to a few museums; The more I get to know about her, the more I start to feel something for her.

Now personally, if this happened in my twenties, it would've been a one-night stand, and I would be on to the next. Every girl and woman wanted to be with me. In my late teens and early adult life I was carefree, and I wasn't so worried about being next in line for the throne, my parents didn't like how I would dilly dally around and not take my role serious, but I wasn't ready for a serious role, I didn't like going to charities and dressing to the nines for others and being paraded around. I would leave to go on vacation with my friends and party. I was living almost a double life, my royalty life and my non royalty life. The second life was not so serious, and I felt normal, even though everybody knew me wherever I went.

The one promise though I had made to my dad was that after school I would join the royal army, I did exactly that and was in and out of it for six years and when I had my leave, it would be spent with my family for a week and then partying the rest of my leave.

After I was discharged, I was home and then the next thing I knew my twenty-fifth birthday happened and I was supposed to have my future queen, but I didn't let that happen, I wasn't ready for a married life, I wanted to go out with my friends and travel. I left to be on my own and I got my own flat. My parents weren't happy about it, but they couldn't do much about it because I was an adult and because my mum had my baby sisters, back then I was thankful that they had other distractions to look after.

I felt even more free, but all of that stopped in the blink of an eye. Too much partying one weekend had landed me in the hospital, right then and there at twenty-seven I had a revelation. I started thinking back to all of my escapades and then a conversation I had with my dad about being king, and a conversation with my mum about how I can find the right one that would rule with me. From there on, I started taking everything seriously. I started going to meetings, charities, and going to different countries to do some humanitarian work. It took some getting used to, especially getting up early to leave for flights or meetings.

Now that I have shown growth within the last five years my dad wants me to take over the throne, when he had told my family and I about it we thought something serious was going on, but no, he said that he wanted to retire. We laughed because we thought he was joking, but he said he's been ruling for thirty-one years and that he wants to start enjoying life. Which I can understand, I get it, he missed out on so much when he was younger.

Now here I am, trying to decide if I want to marry some random stranger that is hand-picked for me. But now Lylah is in the equation, and I think the outcome now is going to be completely different.


I sat at the kitchen table, still pondering on what I should do, but also wondering when I should tell Lylah who I really am. I ate a bag of crisps as I thought some more. Then my phone started to ring. I smile instantly came to my face, I picked it up and answered. 

"Hello miss Bennett." I say as I wipe my hands with a napkin.

"Hi Emmett." I can tell she's smiling on the other side.

"And what do I owe the pleasure of this call."

"Well since you're always asking to see me, can I see you today?" She asks.

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