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PROLOGUE, this is the end

PROLOGUE, this is the end

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The world roared, and dark clouds covered the sky as they let down boulders of water and electricity across the sea. Amongst the depths of the violent waters, tired arms and legs paddled fast to stay afloat as they gasped for air, scared their hearts might stop.

The water was swallowing them, dragging them down. Mountains of waves crashed into their sides forcing them into its grasp once more before racing back up for air. They screamed and yelled for anyone to hear, but their calls for help were only swallowed up by the vociferous thunder.

Their hands were clutched together, intertwined so they wouldn't be dragged away from each other. Their tears only adding to the volume of the ocean. They were being dragged further away, the water's hands pulling them closer to the end. Their lives flashed before their eyes, images of people they knew and things they'd seen popping into their heads. Thoughts of their parents on the beach, hands still wrapped around beer cans and wine bottles. Still unaware of the danger that their daughters were in. Still so immersed in drowning their own sorrows.

The ocean was calling them, demanding them down to its depths.

They were drowning.


Leaving the world.


Clementine and Frankie Jones had died that day in the ocean. After an innocent game of truth or dare that had left them 43km away from shore, they had drowned, their hearts had stopped, and they were gone. After their parents had finally realised that they were missing it took 6 hours for emergency personnel to locate the girls. They were both dead upon discovery, skin so cold it burned them.

But Clementine Jones didn't stay dead.

By some miracle, she was breathed back to life, even after the paramedics had assured her death, the only sign of life being her hands still clinging to her lifeless sister as they floated in the ocean. Her body forever a science experiment, a miracle. 

But her life was forever changed...

authors note;
so prologue is up, obviously this doesn't really make sense right now but it will as i continue to right. Anyways, so excited to get this book up and running, cant wait for you all to see all the ideas that have been stored in my head for like 6 months 

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃, teen wolfWhere stories live. Discover now