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[Hellooo!^^ The name's Joy, this is my first book in this app, so I'm looking forward in making this story entertaining! Might update a chapter or two every week, so please stay tuned! Bye-bye and I hope you have a good day!(⁠^⁠^⁠)]

Working at the Playtime co factory wasn't so bad, just having to look out for a bunch of children which of course means having to deal with their animal-like behaviors as well as their little tantrums.

It's not that you hated kids, but you weren't sure if you liked them either. Some of them yes, only the ones who are nice and behaved to be around, but definitely not those who bites you for no reason.

But at least you weren't alone, you had some other coworkers to deal with them, as well as toys.. at first, you were a bit creeped out by the fact that these toys were capable of acting like humans, could they possibly be? No, of course not, that's not possible. You're pretty sure they're just highly updated AIs, to the point that they can act and think like actual humans..

Anyways, having them around you everyday wasn't really something to worry about. They were all really kind and caring towards you that you actually started growing closer to them by the passing days.

Each toy has their own role in dealing with the children, and they were very much good at it. The other coworkers including you were basically just extras.

Dogday acts as a morning clock, and is also in charge in their daily morning activities. "Y/n!" Craftycorn on the other hand, she's in charge in their arts, crafts, and creativity and Bobby- "Y/N!!" You finally got snapped out of your thoughts by the little girl named Ella.

"Oh- uh, hey there pal, is there something I can help you with?" You asked tiredly, rubbing your eyes in an attempt to keep them open.

The time is 10:30, you still have half an hour before your shift ends, it's not even that late and yet you already felt like sleeping right there and now, maybe it's because you weren't able to get a proper sleep last night.

Good for these kids, Ella seemed to have gotten past her bedtime by now.

"Look! I found this cute collar! It looks like a moon!" Ella stated excitedly at the newly found object. You stared at the collar for a while, examining it carefully before finally recognizing the object and who it belongs to.

"Oh my- where did you find this? We should probably give this back to the owner" You said, attempting to grab the collar from the child's hand.

"Nooo! I found it, it's mine!" Whined Ella, hiding the collar behind her before taking a step back while looking at you with puppy eyes. "Can I keep it? Pleeeeeeease??" She asked, trying to make her voice sound cute, though it's obvious that she's doing it on purpose to make you fall into her cute little tactics, but it ain't gonna work on you this time.

"I'm not very sure about that.. you see it's not us that gets to the decide since this collar belongs to neither of us." You tried explaining this simple fact to the kid, but it seemed like she didn't to want to pay any attention to a word you say anymore.

Her expression then started to change into a face that you seem to recognize.

"Ella.. don't. You. Dare." You said, trying to warn her not to do what you think she was about to do. "Please Ella. I'm too tired for this-" but of course, as mentioned earlier, the little brat didn't seem to pay any attention to a single word you say.

The brat then started sprinting away with the collar still on her hand. 'damnit..' if that little kid gets into any sort of trouble, you'd surely be the one to blame.

..° *•._✯.°^°•.✯* °..

"Ella! Get back here!" You shouted, running after the little girl in desperate of getting her back to bed, as well as the collar that she had stolen earlier.

You're about to loose your mind due to the kid's stubbornness, this is literally one of your disadvantages in working here, lessening your lifespan due to the stress you've been receiving from these little devils.

"Ella please, come back!" You shouted once more, now starting to loose patience for the little girl. After what seemed like minutes of chasing, which felt like hours. The little devil finally succeeded in making you loose track of her. Great. Just great.

This is the sixth time this week, do you really have to run around like a kid every night before finally getting your well deserved rest?

Now you're starting to regret getting this job, but it's not like you're capable of getting any other jobs besides this, you're lucky enough to even have a proper job at this factory, just not very blessed though. "Ella! Come out, I know you're hiding here somewhere!" You tried calling out for her name, bold enough to think that she'll respond.

You then felt a small hand grabbing yours from behind which immediately made you turn your gaze towards the small figure "Ella-!" You were immediately cut off the moment your eyes landed on the small figure, someone you least expected to show up. Though it was stupid of you since he always shows up at night.

"Oh hey there Catnap, funny seeing you here, hehe.." you awkwardly said, trying your best not to sound weird and suspicious or anything. If he ever finds out that you've failed to keep that lil devil in bed, and also keeping her from stealing his collar, you'd be done for. Well, not totally done for, might probably just get an hour of lecture..

The two of you kept staring at each other awkwardly for a while. It almost felt like his eyes were piercing through your soul, and he just kept staring and staring at you.. menacingly.. until finally, he stopped. He still kept his cold demeanor, choosing not to speak and instead used actions as his words.

He pointed at his neck where his collar used to be, obviously asking if you've seen his missing collar by any chances.

You nervously shook your head in response, but unfortunately, he's capable of reading expressions. He tightened his grip on your hand, almost breaking it, before pointing at his neck once more. Damn, he sure was strong for a little kitty.

"I-I'm sorry! Ella took it and I'm trying to find her and she's just- she just vanished!" You nervously explained, stuttering through your statement. But at least you were now telling him the truth, better than staying silent.

Catnap slowly lets go of your hand, before pointing at the clock on the wall, indicating that it was past bedtime.

Wait, are coworkers not allowed to get past bedtime too? Well that's new. You barely noticed the red gas coming out from Catnap's mouth at first, but soon took the hint. "..Catnap? I think there's something coming out from your..." You didn't even get the chance to finish your sentence as your body collapse onto the floor, a loud bang was heard due to the impact of your head falling to the ground. But you weren't completely unconscious, yet.

The next thing you knew, you were being carried by a purple creature to a room. But you doubt it was Catnap since this creature was much bigger..

"No one should get past bedtime.." A deep sounding voice said, which made you  think of Catnap once again. Catnap doesn't usually speak, he never did. So that means you also haven't heard what his voice sounds like yet, can this really be what his voice sound like?

Guess what? It's also past my bedtime!^^ you guys better not be dirty minded, he's only tucking you to bed>:[ anyways, have you guys enjoyed this chapter? Let me know in the com sec, just know that I'm always open for requests ^^, also if you guys want smut that bad then I might as well just give it to ya!>:D but this book is slow burn, so u gotta wait;))

The Dead Factory / Catnap X Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن