第五 | FIVE

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You stayed home the next day. Your heart was still beating: it was a stubborn, stubborn thing, and though your insides felt like burning, it continued to thud against your chest. Thump, thump, thump. It was proof of your survival. The doctors had been worried that you wouldn't last through the night: there was too little mana present, they said. Apparently the poison leaked your mana out of your bloodstream.

You felt warmth next to you last night. A reassuring, homely warmth. You could also feel energy streaming into your fingers, pulsing like searing fire through your brittle bones, your fragile flesh.

Claude Valeria had stayed by your side, and had persisted in transferring energy over to you. The most efficient way would be through a kiss, but Claude had taken the arduous, long way and had kept himself awake through the night.

Dark circles riddled his face, but it did not matter. Claude was as beautiful as he was when you first met him.

"How are you feeling now, Y/n?" He asked gently. Claude pressed a glass of water to your mouth, and you drank it thankfully. The liquid felt cool and so wonderful on your cracked lips, sliding down your gullet. It was a much needed respite. One you welcome with open arms.

"...Better," your voice was hoarse. "I think I can—"

"Case closed. You are not heading towards the hunting competition, Y/n."

"I urge you to reconsider your decision. Surely you are not admitting defeat to Lord Nora of all people? You would know he was simply egging you on, and for me not to show up would only be a benefit."

Claude placed the glass down after you were finished drinking. His ruby eyes bored right into yours, and you found yourself swallowing—gods, even swallowing hurt. It was like choking down a wad of phlegm embedded in your throat, and it sent pain churning in your stomach.

You winced, and Claude immediately flinched, reaching out to you.

"I beseech you, Y/n. You know there are very few things I can say no to when it comes to you."

Actually, no. It seemed awfully easy for him to say no numerous times.

"I implore you to just—!"

"Y/n." Claude interrupted you. His voice was heavy like lead—it took you a while to realize he was scared. Apprehensive. Nervous. "It does not matter if he's doing this to get under my skin. The fact is that you won't be attending, Y/n. I would never forgive myself if I allowed you to get hurt."

The last sentence was a whisper. You had to grab onto his words tightly for it to soak into your mind, and even then, it slipped and twisted and warped. You simply couldn't understand Claude's actions. Him being the Emperor was a common goal you two shared. And Claude seemed like he didn't even care about it.

Your head throbbed.

"Send Anya, then."

"I will." His reply was instantaneous and you blinked.

"I thought you would say it would be dangerous for her."

"Nora does not seek her blood like he seeks yours. Your blood is golden to them, Y/n. It is honey to bees, it is nectar and ambrosia to Gods. It is like ichor to them, Y/n. They will do nothing to stop at obtaining it. They will..."

Slice up your eye, watch as blood and crimson dribble out. Then they will sink their fangs into your neck and revel in the sweet taste.

"...Surely with bodyguards I'll be safe." You said quietly.

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