The love I can not have

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I lay in my bed crying for over an hour now. My two best friend broke my heard today. Peter and Mj...
I try to act happy for them but I'm broken on the inside. I loved Peter since 6. Grade and never told him and now I'm too late because he is together with Mj Ned the only one knowing about how I feel for Peter. Im really happy for them both but it still hurts but the worst is the two are comming over in an hour but I can't get myself out of bed Im too broken to stand up. Sudentlly my room door opens and Mj is standing there. She hast an extra key so I didn't worry how she came in but she saw me crying.
" Luna whats worng why are you crying?"
"It's nothing Mj just alergies u know?"
" Yeh no I don't buy it what's really wrong with u. Come on I'm your best friend since kindergarden tell me"
"I can't cause this will ruin our friendship!"
"What could possibly do that Luna!? We've been to hell and back together please just tell me Luna!"
" You what..?"
" I'm sorry! I'm so so s..sorry" And I start crying again great! Now Mj hates me cause Im in love with her boyfriend. I can't breath.. i don't get any air.. my chest is so tight.. my heartbeat is so fast.. shit I have a Panic attack! What do I do fuck
" Luna! Fuck it's alright I'm here okay? Just breath like me okay... breath with me okay.. in ......and out okay keep doing that your doing great okay shhhhh I'm here..." I feel how she wraps her arms around me and pulls my shaking body in hers.
"Shhhhh I'm her everything is okay I'm here shhh" She pulled me on my bed and lays down with me on top of her while her right hand caresses my hair and her left rubs my back to calm me down and I start to fall sleep in in her arms.

Mj's pov
She finally sleeped but now I have an other problem. How do I tell Peter that she is in love with him without ruining there friendship.. but then I got pulled out of my toughts by Peter standing in Lunas roomdoor.
"Ouch u cuddel with her instad of me im hurt" he says jokingly
"Peter we need to talk about Luna.."
"Is something wrong with her? Is she okay" okay the worry is starting to kik in .
" Okay this mabye ruin your friedship with her but you need to know.. she is in love with you since 6. Grade.."
" What..?"
"Yes I found her crying her as i came she told me than  had a Panicattack after Peter she is dying on the inside because of this.."
"Ohh god and we didn't even notice at firts shit but what do we do? Im still together with you and don't want to break up..."
"  I don't know but we can suport her and help her trough it"
" Yes thats a good idea."

Luna's pov
I wake up and hear Mj and Peter talk about me but Im pretending Im not awake but when it goes silent I move my head from Mjs chest.
" Oh hey Pete"
" Hey Luna.... Im sorry that we broke your heart..." Great now I start to cry again
" Hey... no It's okay Luna me and Mj are here.
I fell both of there arms wrap around me and I just cry my eyes out in there arms. It felt good. I love both of them and they will help me trough this.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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