enemies to lovers (or lovers to... lovers?)

343 10 16

this story is posted on ao3 by sugarrushride.

"Did you guys hear that the other section's teacher promised them a movie day if they read more total books than we did?"

"What?! Well our teacher promised to bring us some of his homemade pastries and that's a better motivator than some dumb movie."

Yeonjun, the gym teacher who was in charge of monitoring the hallways that morning, smiled as he listened to two students discuss the antics of the school's two English teachers. They were always up to some kind of competition, whether it was to see whose class could score better on an exam or which class would get through the assigned reading faster or, this time, which class could read the most books in a certain period. They'd been at it since the two of them started teaching at the school two years ago. In those two years, the average grades in the English classes they taught had gradually gone up, so Yeonjun could at least appreciate that whatever weird competitive thing those two had going on was good for the students and the school.

Speak of the devils, Yeonjun thought as he said teachers walked towards him. It was only 7:30 in the morning and Soobin and Beomgyu were already in a heated discussion, hands waving around them as they argued on their way to their classrooms. Suddenly, Beomgyu made eye contact with Yeonjun and dragged Soobin over to where the gym teacher was standing.

"Yeonjun! Back me up here will you?" The shorter of the two asked, pulling Soobin along behind him with a hand on his upper arm. "Soobin here thinks that it's normal to pour milk into the bowl before cereal like a madman. Please tell him how weird he is!" Beomgyu said, ignoring Soobin's attempt to interrupt and defend himself.

Yeonjun stared at them with a raised brow, shifting his gaze between Beomgyu's incredulous expression and Soobin's offended one, and wondered what he did that made him deserve to deal with this ridiculousness this early in the morning. Just as he was about to open his mouth to tell them to leave him alone, the bell rang.

"Shit, we're running late. Sorry to bother you Yeonjun, we'll see you around." Soobin said apologetically as he and Beomgyu started walking in the direction of the English hallway. He noticed that Beomgyu hadn't let go of Soobin's arm as they walked, but chalked it up to them forgetting as they went right back into arguing. He shrugged and started walking towards his office. Those two sure made his mornings eventful.


"Okay before you guys head out today I want to remind you all about the reading competition we have going on with Class 10-1 so make sure you get your reading done for the week." Beomgyu instructed as the students of his class started packing up their stuff in preparation of the dismissal bell. The students weren't really listening though, the excitement over the prospect of going home overshadowed their responsibilities. Soon the bell rang and the students filtered out of the room one by one, leaving Beomgyu alone.

One of the students, a girl named Sua, was walking with her friends, chatting about their plans for the rest of the night.

"Hey Sua, you should come over after school so we can watch that new romance movie that came out!" One of her friends suggested.

"Let me text my mom and see if she's okay with that." Sua answered, pulling her phone out and sending a quick text to her mom. The students continued walking for a few more minutes before Sua's phone pinged, signaling a response from her mom. "Ugh, she said I can come over once I get my reading assignment done. I didn't think I'd need to finish it tonight so I left the book at my desk." Sua groaned and put her phone away. "I have to go back to the classroom. You guys head home without me, I'll come over once I finish my reading."

The other students waved bye to Sua as she walked back towards the classroom to grab her book. When she arrived at the classroom, she was surprised to see her teacher was no longer alone in the room. The other English teacher, Choi Soobin, was sitting at the edge of Beomgyu's desk while the two had a very animated conversation. They stopped when Beomgyu noticed Sua standing at the doorway and waved her in.

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