Chapter 3 ⚫️

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As Sy looks at the small soulings, they thought that everything will go well.
"Never thought of you to be inpatient," says a voice. "Well it's dangerous with the guardians of positivity tipping the balance of feelings and wanted to eliminate all other negative feelings"  response Sy. "I would assume with what happen to the guardians of feelings, you would give up your idea of having your own guardians." Says the voice with a frustrations and annoyance. "It hasn't even been close to 100 years since we last talked and you already managed to get yourself guardians, especially with not one but two creators." "It took a long time and magic to find the one and bring them here." As Sy says that, they take a breath of air as they feel their magic constructing around the soulings and tightening as transparent figures starts to appear as it covers the soulings. As the transparent figures starts to become solid with mass and the soulings being replace with two skeleton bodies as they levitate in front of the tree and no longer in Sy hands.

After the skeleton bodies become solid for both to see, strings of vibrant colors cover both of them, and starts to twist and overlap each other, hasty shape itself as something that is fabric and building itself as clothing for the skeleton bodies to wear.

After the string were done assembling and now the two skeleton bodies have clothes similar to each other and similar to a certain purple crowned skeleton. The colors in the clothing start to dim down, as the magic in them is being absorbed into the two bodies, although still as dazzling as before.

The vibrant tree, sensing two new guardians, gathers it magic and starts to create two crowns for the new guardians.

Crack! The trunk of the tree spilts open with a loud sound. In the middle of what seems to be a flower bed lay two crowns that shine.

Sy floats towards the split trunk and takes the crowns and floats back towards the levitating skeleton bodies. The moment Sy was back in front of the bodies, bright green vines starts to grow out from ground and warp around the truck of the tree and some of the roots, as it starts to mend into the trunk and the split that was there was gone as if it never cracked open.

"..." "...and there the final touches" says Sy while putting the two crowns on the skeleton heads.

Afterwards, the skeleton bodies starts to slowly float down and there lay two motionless figures one dress in colors of green, the other in red and orange.

"Why do they look like that?" "Like what?" Says Sy looking towards the two new guardians. "You know what I mean. Why do they look like the guardian of negativity?" "They don't look exactly like the guardian of negativity." Says Sy with a soothing tone. "..."
Sy figure starts to become more transparent to the point that Sy appearances can now be called a ghost.

"You're fading..." "..." "you used all your own magic to bring them here... you really want to escape..." says the voice, as it watches Sy fade and dust away.

"Hey Yuri, please help them out once in a while. I can't leave the forest to get them any books to learn from and even if there mindset is mature, I don't want them to be completely disoriented. I want them to know how to protect themselves and I already used all my magic to bring them here, so I won't be there to guide them..." says Sy while smiling softly towards the voice Yuri.

"and I'm sorry... for leaving your behind..." as Sy finishes, Sy completely turns to dust.

"You stupid fool... I hope your happy..." says Yuri with a low whisper.
As the silence pass by, Yuri turns their attention to the still figures laying on the ground.

"At least their bodies are not kids..."
"It should be easier to take care of them... since they at least have a sense of danger... right?"

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