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Vyn: Main character
Kronos: Vyn's father
Ares: the eldest of the 3 tokoyami brothers
Anthony: Middle of the 3 Tokoyami brothers
Dr. Monica: head of Vigisil Corp., creator of the Tokoyami's

January 18, 2030
File: 001
Recorded by: Dr. Monica Henderson, head of research at the Vigisil Corporation.

We have created something that we call "AHS", or advanced human soldiers. Their sole purpose is to fight as soldiers and kill as we command them to. We are working on training them to use weapons, and are soon going to put them out on the field for their first mission. Their primary objective will be to steal a very important flash drive from the president of Holiday Corporation, Birdie Anders. It will be easy, considering she is just a defenseless teen, but we never know how many goons she could have. This is why we are preparing them well. I have highest hopes in our most recent model if the AHS, Vyn. He seems to have so much potential. I am confident he will do us well.

We will initiate the mission as soon as we are sure they are ready. In the meantime, my higher ups will review the data I sent to them regarding the AHS project. They will help in that confirmation.

February 10, 2030
(Vyn POV)
This all went by so fast. Not even a month ago we were training, and now we are shooting people in the head just to get some kind of flash drive from a kid.

Me and the other artificials (as we call ourselves) managed to squirm ourselves into Holiday Corporation, where we bumped into a swarm of guards. Dr. Monica gave us tools, and my dad was the first to make use of them. He grabbed his gun, hit someone in the head with it, then shot them. Around them was this dark red puddle, it was scary. I didn't know what else to do, so I joined him, along with my brothers, Ares and Anthony. Ares had a gun like dad, and me and Anthony had these sharp things called knifes. The people at Vigisil taught us how to use it. You have to really sharply poke someone with it in the chest to kill them. And I did just what they said. I stabbed one of the guards right in the chest. The red liquid had poured out of their wound, and...I don't know...something about it didn't feel right... it felt...wrong. They fell to the floor, and I instinctively backed away. My father told me to go to the boss' office to get the flash drive.

I ran as fast as I could from that scene, to the CEO of Holiday Corp's office. She didn't seem scared. Hell, she looked about 14. She offered me something called a 'Kit Kat'. I wasn't sure what it was, so I politely declined. I don't know if I stuttered or not, but I told her abruptly "Hand over the flash drive." She ended up laughing at me. I looked around, and there it was, plugged into her computer. I was running low on ideas, so I randomly blurted out "OH! Is that a mermaid?!?" And SHE LOOKED. How foolish, I thought. I quickly grabbed the flash drive and fled. I gathered my family and we left Holiday Corp quickly.

When we got back to Vigisil quarters, I helped patch up Ares and Anthony with my dad. Both got a couple scratches and bruises. My dad wasn't much different, although he got shot in the arm. They talked about how fun it was, how good it felt to fulfill their purpose and kill. I just sat there feeling unnerved. I didn't like a bit of that. Maybe it's because I'm a later model and was trained less. Maybe in the future I'll learn to love my duties too. Or maybe I might find out how twisted they really are. One thing they didn't tell us that we already knew, we had started a war between Holiday Corp. and Vigisil. One that would be hard to fight, and one that will open many eyes.

Author note: THANK YOU FOR READING!!! Note that Holiday Corp. and all associated with it are by GZM shows, from their famous (and amazing) podcast "Six Minutes". Vigisil, the AHS, and any other characters are by me. This was really fun to write, and I hope it was equally as fun to read. If you have any recommendations or comments, I will be glad to hear them. Again, thank you for reading, stay tuned for chapter 1, where this war begins.

Journal of a changed soilderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin