Chapter 1

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February 6, 2030
Dr. Monica S. Henderson:
We have reviewed the information you sent to us. We all agree that your training and programming of the AHS is outstanding and confirmed they are ready for their first mission as soon as they finish training. If they succeed that mission, their next mission is to fly to Elixir Key in Florida, and retrieve the parents of Holiday Corp. CEO. Dr. Monica Anders and her husband, James Anders. You are to have the AHS keep them captive, and kill anyone who gets in their way. Within the time of one week, we will require a reply with the progress of their mission with the flash drive. Then in a months advance, we will send for information of the CEO's parents. We wish you and the AHS luck.
–[redacted], CEO of Vigisil

February 17, 2030
(Kronos POV)
With the success of our first mission, Dr. Monica has informed me and my sons (the other 3 artificials, to which she named us "Tokoyami's") of another mission her higher ups have assigned us. All week we trained hard. She taught us new things. Like how to use this sleeping powder thing on a cloth. It could be very useful in this mission. I learned how to aim my gun better, which wasn't hard in the first place. Ares had a bit of struggle holding his, so I helped him with his grip and aim, to which Dr. Monica had rewarded me with a golden star. I do not know the purpose of it, but it's obviously a good thing, so I enjoyed, to a certain extent, having it stuck on my cheek.

Today was the day of the mission. We are to kidnap the parents of Holiday Corp.'s CEO, Monica and James Anders, on Elixir Key, Florida. This mission rises a bunch of questions. Why are these missions all about Holiday Corp? Why are her parents all the way in Elixir Key and she's in Juneau, and she's a minor? Why are we keeping them captive if they aren't much of a trouble to us? I wanted to ask them all, but we were told in our first stages of training that questions are useless and show resistance. And resistance to a mission is bad. So I didn't ask any of them, just kept them to myself. She gave us this heavy gear to wear to protect our bodies, and she reminded us how to use our weapons and at what time. Following her final instruction, we left to the airport to take our flight to Elixir Key.

The airport had metal detectors, and no weapon stickers everywhere. But when they saw us, with countless weapons and metal on us, they let us pass with a smile. "Welcome Tokoyami's." The people all over greeted us, like they knew of us and our mission. Vyn liked the attention, as most gave him head pats and called him 'adorable', whatever that means. They helped us on a private plane and sent us off to Elixir Key. The view from up in the sky was amazing. It looked beautiful, like a slate of green paint on a blue canvas, this green spot covered with details of different dots, drawn so precise, it was unlike anything I've seen before.

After a couple of hours we landed, and the crew helped us out and to where we needed to be. We kept our weapons in grip, in case if anything. There was some kind of restaurant, and our targets were there. They seem to have come here as a safe haven, as they hid in large crowds and in a hurry too. Vyn went up to them. I don't know what he said, but they followed him, leading them right to us. He then went behind the woman and used the cloth with the sleep powder on it...which made the whole part about needing that cloth make sense. Her husband grabbed his gun. Area reacted quickly and shot it out of his hand. Then Vyn used the cloth on him too. There was panic in the restaurant now, and was hard to get through, all while carrying 2 people. But we managed, and quickly ran to the airport to bring them back to the quarters.

Within 24 hours, we made it back to the quarters with the parents of Holiday Corp's CEO. The one gunshot we had made in the man's hand was still bleeding a bit. The redness of his blood was almost to addicting. I don't know what this feeling was, but I wanted more. I wanted to see more blood. I couldn't wait for our next mission, I wouldn't wait to blow someone's brains out just to see the crimson red of their blood.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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