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I saw her head peak out in the bushes, her smile bringing wrinkles to her eyes. She began to lift herself from the bush, grass ticlking her legs and wrists. Her hair began to flow behind her, following the steady braze, her pupils light brown and beautiful. Her lips beautiful pink and moist. I can assure you that im not cliche in anyway, but looking at her made my brain do a 360.

She finally got up, but her eyes couldnt meet mine. 'What?' I asked.

'You mean it?' she whimpered, her voice shaking. 'Youre not going' 

I shushed her, her eyes were full of tears. I did not tear up. 'You dont have to worry. Im 18, not heartless.'

'But, i mean, arent you supposed to be?' she asked, her gaze hitting me, her stare intense. 'It doesnt make any sense.'

I smiled. 'I guess im not making any sense. But im a youth. I hear that all the time. Mostly from my father. I m uncontrolled, reckless,stupid...'

'I get it.'

I snickered, suddenly enjoying it. 'lazy, ungrateful, unhappy, foolish...'

'Can you...can you please stop?'

'But im still a youth. You're lucky were not 50 year olds looking for pleasure.'

She smacked her hand on her face. 'Seriously?! I didnt need that kind of mental picture!!'

I laughed. Behind me, a menacing voice scowled. 'Neither did I.' 

I swerved around to see her, her stance hateful, her gaze fatal, and she was looking straight at Kira. She seemed to shrivel under her gaze, her eyes trying to focus on something else.


I spoke up first. 'I said no one should follow me.'

She ignored me. 'I guess you found the girl. What? You guys are so in love that you barely have enough time to get back to base. Were behind scheduale already. Your dad's already mad. And now your doing this.'

I stared at her. 'What?'

'I dont know, spending time with this girl like she was your girlfreind or something.'

'And why does that bother you so much?'

She is about to speak, but she says nothing.

I raise an eybrow at her. 'What? You want to be my girlfreind?'

She is speeachless, her eyes wide open. 'I...'

'Let me answer for you then. No. You dont. I didnt get why you'd been so pissed about something before, but now I think I get it. Youre feeling something that I'm not.'

She swallowed. 'Devon, yore deflecting....'

'No, I'm not. I'm tired of thinking of this. If you dont like me, fine. I get it. But it's getting tiring with you watching over my shoulder. And what the hell did you tell my father?'

'The truth, Devon. He asked for a report and I gave it to him.'

'I almost got in serious shit beacause of you.'

She shrugged. 'Maybe you should just act better. More controlled.'


'Yes, Devon. Beacuse of this girl youve been acting unrationly, and quite frankly, really stupid.'

'I can say the same thing about you. Ever since she became our assigment, youve been acting sketchy and desperate and rude.'


'Why the hell do you fucking hate her so much?'

She is about to answer, but there is a loud honk from a car. My gave travels over Arena's shoulder, to see Berry driving my car, a bunch of other SUV's behind him. He gestures at us to go towards him. I grab Kira's hand and leave Arena. 

'Dude. Both of you were screaming at each other like that scene on Twist of Fate, when...'

'Just shut up.' I slide into the car, pulling Kira with me.

Arena doesnt enter our car, but goes to enter the SUV behind us.

Kira looks like anything will attack her at anytime. Her eyes are travelling everywhere all at once, and her hands are bunched up, her nails making crescent moon imprints in her palms. Her feet are tapping the floor of the car nervously, and her head is beaded with sweat. She looks more scared than anyhting. She kept staring at Berry though, like she expected a soecial greeting or something form him.

For some reason, it made my blood boil.

She was about to speak, but i spoke up. 'Put your head on the head rest for god's sake. That's what they're for. And please close the window. The breeze is making your disgusting scent travel to my nose.'

Kofi snickered. Kira stared at me, her stare furious. I laughed, redirecting my gaze to the scenery. Our travel to Denver was just beggining, I guess.

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