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Roger returned to his office ten minutes before the start of the evening shift so that he could at least have time to look at the report on Christian Dale.

He quickly sat down at the table, opened the report, and was about to type Christian's name into the search bar when the phone rang.

"Sandra," Roger read on the display and groaned, he had no time for her.

The call ended, and Roger noticed that he had five missed calls from his wife. Feeling uneasy, he decided to call back.

The long beeps almost diminished his hope of finding out what was going on when Sandra answered the phone.

"Sandra! I didn't have time to answer the phone. I was busy. There are a lot of missed calls from you, is everything o..."

"Roger, I think... Um... We have a problem!"

"Do you... Do you think?" Roger tried to calm himself so as not to scream. "Sandra honey, what's the problem?"

"It's... it's about Lily," Sandra trailed off.

Roger felt that his patience was coming to an end, he could not believe that so much could happen in one day! What else?!

"Sandra, dear, what about Lily?" he tried to ask as calmly as possible. The pain in his solar plexus area had become almost unbearable.

"Roger... Lily had an incident at school..."

Roger exhaled and leaned back in his chair. Just at that moment there was a knock on the door. Roger glanced down at his left wrist, 16:00. Oliver was as punctual as a Swiss watch.

Without waiting for an answer, the head of his current friend-in-misfortune appeared in the doorway. Roger nodded to the chair and pointed to the phone with his eyes, "Wait a minute, I'm talking."

Oliver understood, nodded, and sat down in the armchair glancing around Roger's office and twirling the mug he had brought with him in his hands. It was the first time he was here.

"Sandra, honey. I am very busy right now. Is there anything I can do to help? Or can you handle it yourself?"

There was a long silence in the receiver, then Sandra said: "I think... I can handle it... But, Roger... On second thought no. I'll call you back later." Sandra thought for another five seconds and finished: "Or you call me when you're free."

"Ok, I'll call. Try to handle it yourself. Talk to you soon."

Roger hung up the phone, looked at Oliver with a sad smile and shook his head: "Women!"

Oliver smiled knowingly.

The report on the day shift remained hanging open, but not read.

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