Chapter 4: Recruiting Ariel

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Meanwhile in Hell...

Lucifer orders all lower rank demons presently in hell and in the outside world to his domain for a special meeting a few hours after Pion's news. The middle and upper rank demons are never involved in such meetings. They are hardly seen by other demons because they are hidden especially the Upper rank; no one has met any of the upper rank demons except Lucifer.

Lucifer called all 12 lower demons to this impromptu meeting and everyone's wondering why. Some are already scared for their lives that he might end them for their lack of commitment but he seemed rather calm than usual. With Pion standing by his side, Lucifer is seated on his new throne and at his front stood 12 demons with their heads bowed to the ground. The head of the lower ranks, Azron, stood close to his father on his left and Astaroth the vice head stood at the right side of Lucifer both facing each other and the others stood the same way. With all mouths shut and all heads bowed the meeting of Demons begins.

Unlike the others, Azron knew why his father had called this meeting and he wasn't happy about it. He always has to work really hard just to gain his father's attention for a while and he has never ever received any praise or promotion from him but an Archangel is getting accepted and immediately promoted for ending the existence of a universe.

"What's the matter? you look lost". Zekai the three eyed demon, Azron's closest friend asked.

Pion started reading the proceedings as Azron gave his friend a weary smile.

"It's nothing."

As Pion continued reading Lucifer stops him.

"Stop stop stop.. all that isn't necessary for this meeting."

Pion immediately obeys his master and bows his head.

For a few seconds, Lucifer remains silent as he examines the 12 bowed heads in front of him.
He clears his throat.

"I have called this meeting for something entirely different. I know it is very sudden and some of you had come from very far away but this information can't wait another three full moons" Lucifer declares (General meetings are held every 12 full moons i.e every year)

"For those of you that might not know, a trial was held in Heaven a few weeks ago. One of my brothers was charged with universal genocide!" he continued.

Some demons started to murmur among themselves.

"Did an angel really destroy a whole universe?"

"I thought it was just a rumor"

"So we aren't here for a promotion? I flew across 5 galaxies for nothing"

"That angel's got balls"

"I thought he brought us here to kill us"...

Many kept whispering till it became too much noise
"SILENCE!" Lucifer roared and the room shook. All voices became mute.
" If you have anything to say come forward to speak morons".
No one speaks.

"What's wrong are your tongues tied.I don't expect any of you dimwits to have anything to say actually since none of you has impressed me for years. I could have gotten rid of you idiots if there were any better demons out there to fill the gaps so don't get ahead of yourselves. You are all still existing by my grace!!" he pauses for a few seconds. "My brother Ariel got thrown out of heaven yesterday and my father has severed all ties with him too. Which means he is like us; a fallen angel. If he is an enemy of God then he is a follower of mine. He will be a very strong ally to our cause. We must have him and once we do he will be immediately promoted to the upper ranks for his deed. He was punished in Heaven for his sin but he shall be rewarded here in Hell. I need 3 volunteers to search for him. You will find him and bring him to me. I will be doing Ariel a huge favour by making him one of our own" Lucifer explains.

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