Chapter One

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Veridiania, Ravaryn. Time: 1:20pm

In the bustling city of Ravaryn, where life thrived amidst the prevailing threats of the world, there was an 18-year-old man making his way to class at the esteemed Arcadia University. As he strode through the vibrant campus, his furrowed eyebrows and piercing glare sent waves of fear through the hearts of his fellow students. This young man had earned a reputation for his hotheaded nature, and unfortunate individuals had firsthand experiences of his anger, which were far from enjoyable. However, despite his tempestuous demeanor, there was no denying his captivating attractiveness.

Standing tall at an impressive height of six foot, five inches, he commanded attention with his towering presence. His strong bone structure and muscular physique spoke volumes about his physical strength and dedication to fitness. Every movement he made exuded power and confidence. His prominent eyebrows, lips, and chin added to his striking appearance, giving him an air of intensity and allure. A strong nose, slim hips on a muscular frame, and broad shoulders further accentuated his masculine physique, making him stand out in any crowd. His angular heart-shaped face and sharp features added a touch of ruggedness to his overall look, hinting at a complexity beneath the surface. His intense dark amber eyes, with a subtle tint of red around his pupils, held a captivating gaze that seemed to penetrate the souls of those who dared to meet his eyes. Completing his captivating appearance was his lustrous black hair, which framed his face and added a touch of mystery and contrast to his overall look. The chiseled bone structure of his face further enhanced his striking features, making him an object of fascination for many.

As for Arcadia University, it was a sight to behold. The campus was a harmonious blend of modern architecture and natural beauty. Majestic buildings with sleek designs and large windows allowed natural light to flood the hallways and classrooms. Lush green spaces, adorned with vibrant flowers and trees, provided a serene and inspiring atmosphere for learning and reflection. The university's state-of-the-art facilities, including well-equipped laboratories, libraries, and recreational areas, fostered an environment conducive to academic excellence and personal growth.

Despite his reputation for anger, there was an undeniable magnetism to this young man. His physical presence and captivating features made him stand out, leaving others curious about the person behind the intimidating exterior. As he continued his journey to class at Arcadia University, one couldn't help but wonder about the experiences that had shaped him into the person he was today. How would his presence impact the lives of those around him? And perhaps, beneath the surface of his captivating exterior, there was a story waiting to be unraveled, revealing the depths of his character and the reasons behind his hotheaded nature.

In the bustling hallways of the school, amidst the sea of students, there stood the young man who effortlessly commanded attention. His choice of attire spoke volumes about his personality and style. A dark red shirt clung to his well-defined muscles, accentuating his physique and drawing the eyes of onlookers. Draped over his broad shoulders was a sleek black leather jacket, exuding an air of confidence and rebellion. Completing his ensemble were dark blue jeans, tailored to perfection, highlighting his strong and athletic frame.

As he made his way through the corridors, the man couldn't help but notice the lingering gazes and hushed whispers that followed in his wake. The girls, captivated by his striking appearance, were unable to resist the magnetic pull he seemed to exert. They would gather in small groups, their voices filled with excitement and anticipation, as they discussed strategies to capture his attention. With each passing day, the man grew accustomed to the attention he received. However, he had no interest in reciprocating the advances of these girls who sought his affection. Their attempts to flirt with him were met with a dismissive wave of his hand or, at times, even a sharp retort. If a girl dared to approach him with romantic intentions, he would simply tell her to "fuck off," making it clear that he had no interest in entertaining their advances.

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