Chapter Two

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The atmosphere crackles with tension as Alexander's voice cuts through the air, dripping with anger and frustration. "Who the fuck are you?" he snaps, his tone harsh and laced with irritation. One of the women, undeterred by his hostility, steps forward and presents him with a photograph. The image captures a haunting scene-a little boy standing defiantly beside the lifeless corpses of a dragon. Curiosity mingled with suspicion, Alexander aggressively snatches the picture from her outstretched hand. His eyebrows remain furrowed as he scrutinizes the photo, his gaze locked on the young boy's face. The woman, maintaining a professional demeanor, poses a question that hangs in the air like a weighty secret. "Is this you?" she asks, her voice tinged with uncertainty and urgency.

As Alexander's eyes trace the contours of the photograph, the woman continues speaking, her words carefully chosen and delivered with a sense of purpose. "You have the same amber eyes," she observes, her voice steady and measured. "We can see the red tint around your eyes, just like with the boy in the photo. It's something we've never seen before-a striking resemblance, with only a slight difference in age." Intrigued yet guarded, Alexander looks up at the woman, his silence speaking volumes. The weight of her words hangs heavily in the air, leaving him with a burning question: How did they manage to track him down using just a photograph? The woman, sensing his unspoken query, takes a moment to gather her thoughts before revealing the astonishing truth.

The woman's voice carries a sense of both exhaustion and determination as she addresses Alexander, her words revealing the immense effort that has gone into their search. "We have scoured the farthest reaches of the land, leaving no stone unturned, in our relentless quest to find the boy who effortlessly triumphed over a formidable dragon," she confesses, her voice tinged with a mix of awe and admiration. The magnitude of their undertaking becomes apparent as she alludes to the countless hurdles they encountered along the way. Undeterred by the challenges they faced, the woman's gaze remains fixed on Alexander, her eyes filled with a blend of anticipation and uncertainty. "Now, tell us, are you that boy?" she asks once more, her voice filled with a mixture of hope and trepidation. Alexander, his eyes still narrowed in suspicion, crumples the photograph in his hand, mirroring his guarded demeanor.

With a sharpness in his voice, Alexander confirms his identity, his words laced with defiance and a touch of arrogance. "Yes, I am that boy. But what does it matter to you?" he retorts, his tone harsh and unyielding. The weight of his question hangs in the air, demanding an explanation for their relentless pursuit. The woman, undeterred by Alexander's hostility, takes a moment to gather her thoughts before responding. Her voice carries a sense of purpose as she begins to unravel the mystery that has brought them face to face. "You see, it was not an easy task to track you down based solely on this photograph," she explains, her words carefully chosen. "We embarked on a painstaking journey, utilizing every resource at our disposal to decipher the clues hidden within this image."

She goes on to describe the intricate process they employed, involving a team of skilled analysts and experts in various fields. They meticulously studied the photograph, examining every minute detail, from the boy's distinctive amber eyes to the subtle red tint that encircled them. Through extensive research and comparison, they discovered that this unique combination of eye color and tint was a rare phenomenon, one that had never been documented before. With this revelation, the organization delved deeper into their investigation, scouring historical records, ancient texts, and even consulting with renowned scholars and seers. Their tireless efforts eventually led them to a breakthrough-a mention of a prophecy that foretold the rise of a young hero with the same striking appearance as the boy in the photograph, albeit slightly older.

Armed with this newfound knowledge, the organization intensified their search, leaving no stone unturned in their quest to find the boy who had defied all odds. They followed leads, pursued rumors, and pieced together fragments of information from various sources. Their journey took them through bustling cities, where they discreetly questioned locals, showing them the photograph in hopes of triggering a memory or recognition. In one particular city, whispers of a remarkable event caught their attention. Tales of a young boy with extraordinary abilities, who had bravely faced a fearsome dragon, began to circulate. The organization's agents meticulously investigated these rumors, speaking to witnesses and gathering accounts of the awe-inspiring encounter. It was during these inquiries that the photograph, with its striking resemblance to the legendary boy, caught the attention of a passerby who claimed to have seen someone matching Alexander's description.

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