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NOTE: This chapter contains depictions of blood, violence, weapons, and angst that may not be suitable for all audiences' precious hearts.


     A chilling whisper brushed across the cracked remains of the Fallen Kingdom, carrying a single word etched into the ashen dust like a cruel prophecy: “Trust no one.” Kaiden tightened his grip on the sword hilt, knuckles stark white against the worn leather. Tears, like shattered diamonds, blurred his vision, painting the desolate landscape in hues of despair. Where once grand buildings stood as testaments to a bygone era, skeletal fingers of steel now clawed at the blood-red sky, mirroring the gaping wound in his own heart.

     A monstrous silhouette lurked against the fiery horizon, its guttural roar trembling the very ground. But Kaiden's focus remained solely on the figure before him — Corvus. Their swords, reflections of each other, met in a deadly dance fueled by a shared, agonizing sorrow. Each clang echoed with a mournful cry, not of rage, but of a loss that words could never capture.

     Memories flickered in Kaiden's tear-filled gaze: sunlit meadows echoing with shared laughter, dreams whispered under starlit skies, a world vibrant with life – a stark contrast to the barren wasteland that stretched before them. The weight of a shattered world pressed down like a shroud, threatening to consume him whole.

     Corvus, his obsidian armor caked in crimson, mirrored Kaiden's ferocity. Yet, beneath the rage, a flicker of something else danced in his eyes - a ghost of the man Kaiden once knew, the one he called friend.

     “Why, Corvus?” Kaiden's voice cracked, choked with the emotions churning within him. “Why must you do this?”

     A single word, heavy with unspoken grief, escaped Corvus's lips. “Muguet...” The name hung in the air, a silent plea for a love silenced by the apocalypse.

     Their blades clashed once more, the impact resonating across the wasteland, a testament to their fractured bond and the conflict tearing them apart. The monstrous silhouette on the horizon vanished, irrelevant in the face of the personal war raging between them. The world around them faded away, leaving only the two warriors locked in a desperate struggle. Crimson tears, like fallen rose petals, stained the ashen ground – a testament to a love, a loss, and a bond that even the apocalypse couldn't erase.

     As the dust settled from the final, earth-shattering clash, a chilling question hung in the air: who would be left standing, and at what cost? The answer, however, lay hidden in the shadows, waiting to be unraveled.


Hello! So, I' not suppose to publish this right now since it's not yet revised and is probably a huge mess, but I just got too excited HSHSHSHSH T^T

Is it okay? I'd really like to hear your thoughts so I could improve more. (Though this is just a hobby)

- E.B.Q

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