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Charlotte sat at the table in the dimly lit tavern, her heart pounding with nervous energy. She had disguised herself well, pulling her long blonde hair into a tight bun and donning a cloak to obscure her features. She stole glances at the other members of the party, trying to gauge their reactions to her presence.

Kaworu entered the tavern with a commanding presence, his towering figure drawing the attention of everyone in the room. As he approached the table, Charlotte's heart sank. She had hoped to avoid him, at least for a little while longer. "Looks like we've got ourselves a new addition to the party," Kaworu said, his voice dripping with sarcasm as he took his seat across from Charlotte. She clenched her jaw, fighting the urge to snap back at him. She forced a tight-lipped smile instead. "Yes, it seems so," Charlotte replied, her voice strained.

The rest of the party members exchanged wary glances, sensing the tension between Charlotte and Kaworu. They quickly turned their attention back to the task at hand, discussing the details of their upcoming mission. "We'll need to devise a plan of attack," one of the party members suggested. "I agree," Charlotte said, eager to steer the conversation away from her and Kaworu's animosity. "We should assess the layout of the enemy camp and determine the best course of action."

Kaworu scoffed, leaning back in his chair. "And what would a noble like you know about strategy? You're more accustomed to giving orders from the comfort of your estate." Charlotte's cheeks flushed with anger, but she forced herself to remain composed. "I may not have your experience on the battlefield, but I am more than capable of holding my own," she shot back, her voice cold. Kaworu raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "Is that so? I suppose we'll see just how capable you are when we face the enemy." The tension between them crackled like lightning, threatening to ignite into something more volatile. Charlotte's hands trembled with fury as she clenched them into fists beneath the table.

"We're here to work together," one of the other party members interjected, casting a nervous glance between Charlotte and Kaworu. "Let's focus on the task at hand and save the bickering for another time." Charlotte forced herself to nod in agreement, though she couldn't shake the feeling of resentment burning within her.

Deep down, beneath the layers of animosity and pride, she couldn't deny the flicker of attraction that burned within her. And she hated herself for it.

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