Pretty Good

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I felt my eyelids slide open to feel the sun's harsh sting in my eyes. I was resting on the window of Devon's really expensive car, so the metal burnt my cheek. I retched, trying to blow it, and it took me a while to realize I was alone.

I looked towards my window, and saw no one. I tried to open the door, and suprisingly, it opened. I stepped out, and breathed the fresh air, my hair crossing my ears. I felt myself relax and energy soar through me. 

I look around again. There's no way they left me alone.

Were not going to hurt you as long as your dad complies with us, and he's stinking rich so you dont have to worry about that. So can you please stop running away all the time?

I smiled and got into the car. I was'nt going to fall for it.

After a while, I heard a knock on the glass. 'Get out.'

I got out again and stared at him, eyebrows raised. 

'I wanted to see if you'd run away.' he grinned. 'You didn't.'

'Yeah, I guess my dad is stinking rich.'

He laughed. 'I guess.'

'So, where's everyone else?'

'Went to get groceries or something. I dont know.' he shrugged.

'Why didnt you go with them?' I asked.

He began to walk towards the streets of Denver, and i scrambled to follow him. He continued, as if nothing happened.

'First of all, you, because we didnt really expect you to be so submissive.' he mused. 'Then there's the fact that i'd probably get arrested once any police officer saw me.'


'I thought you knew this already?' he asked.

'No, i don't'

'Well, lets say, im really famous.'

'For doing bad things?' I asked.


A woman walked up to us. 'Sir would you like to buy a face mask? They're only $5.'

I looked around and realized that we were in the market. There was a lot of stalls, bustling around, people were exchanging money, shoting and screaming and there were signs like deep fried icecreem and pizza rols that just made you want to go there.

I peered at Devon, who had been watching me. He was now wearing a cap and face mask, and only his beautiful brown eyes were visible. He cocked his head to one side and raised an eyebrow. He was obviously criticizing me.

I shrugged. 'What? I've never been to a market before? I've only ever been to school.'

He raised his eyebrow higher.

'What?' I asked.

He sighed and lowered my mask. 'I wasnt criticizing you. I was just asking if you wanted to get in.' 

I blinked. 'Um, you didnt.'

'Of course you werent listening to me.' he sighed once more.

'Okay then. I want to try the deep fried ice cream.' I pointed.

When his eyes found it, he frowned. 'I dont want that.'


'It sounds like poison or something.'

I rolled my eyes and took his arm. A moment of confusion crossed his face before i dragged him to the stall. 

'Good morning people!' a girl a little over my age came to greet us. 'How can i help y'all.'

'We'd like the deep fried icecream, please!' I chirped.

'Of course. That is  the only thing we sell.'

Devon rolled his eyes. 'Just give it to us, woman.'

I elbowed him. Seriously, it's like they raised his clique to hate people.

Before i could say anything, the girl quickly smiled and rushed to get some. I heard the soft hiss of a frying pan, before i turned to Devon. 'What is your problem?'

'My problem? She looked like she was ready to give us her entire life story right here. We were a second away from her spilling the beans about ther dead cat or something.'

Before i could respond, the girl came back no longer smiling, but seemed to hae gone neutral. In her hands were two plates of deep fried icecream. They were golden brown, with bits of nuts and oreo sticking out of it. Whipped cream stood at the top, a cherry winking in it.

My head was spinning with anticipation as i took my plate. I saw Devon take his without emotion. I was about to thank her, when i noticed she was glaring at Devon like he was a bit of shit on her shoe. 

It was time to go, i guess.

I took Devon's hand is mine and smiled at the girl. 'Thanks for the icecream. We'll... um, love it, i guess.'


I turned to Devon, who brought out his wallet. He brought 10$ and put it in front of the girl. She snatched it and went back to the kitchen, something about motherfucking hoes and crazy parents.

'You have to pay?' I asked, my eyes following her.

'You really havent been to a market, have you?'

I refused to face him. I was already a hostage that he was taking to the market for some reason, i didnt need to make things any weirder by poring my life story.


'Well, i think your too nice to people you don't know.'

You clearly haven't met Marco. I thought, but said nothing.

He sighed. 'Were taking this to go.'

I peered at my ice cream, and most of it had become a big pool of caramel water. I gasped and began to slurp the sweetnes rapidly as it swayed on my tongue. I finishe the water, and frowned at the tiny spoonful that was left of it. It wasnt supposed to melt this fast. 

Devon's had melted as well, but he still had a lot more solid than me. He caught me eyeing his and raised an eyebrow. 'You want it?'

I met his gaze. 'You dont want a lick.'


'No, i want you to taste it.'

'Why? I still think it's poison.' He began to work towards the base, his footsteps making dust to run from him.

'Yeah, but it isn't. It's freaking delicious.' I said.

'I really don't mind. You can have it.'

'No.' I stepped in front of him. 'You are eating this.'

His brows furrowed. 'I dont-'

I took a big spoon of icecrean and shoved it in his mouth, luckily, his mouth had been open as he had been asking mid-question. He stared at me like i was crazy.

'Well? Do you like it?' I asked.

He furrowed his brows, his mouth waorking, until he snatched his icecream from my hands. He walked ahead of me, taking another bite. 

I smiled. 'You like it. Dont you?'

'It's pretty good.' He said, walking ahead of me.

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