IV - An Omen in 20mg

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I watched as her lashes touched the tops of her cheeks, her eyebrows releasing tension from the day, lips parted gently as sleep took over

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I watched as her lashes touched the tops of her cheeks, her eyebrows releasing tension from the day, lips parted gently as sleep took over.

My eyes danced across her features, completely captivated. Y/N breathed slowly, and my hand subconsciously reached over, tucking a strand of loose hair behind her ear as I endeared over her.

"you're my saving grace," I whispered as I stroked her hair, still completely baffled this was all happening.

I watched her for a moment longer before I turned over, facing the door and her desk. My eyes trailed over to the bottle that rested on her desk, the yellow plastic alluring. Zolpidem. 700 dollars right there.

Destruction. Crime. Greed.

That is why we live like heathens
That is why we live like heathens
That is why we live like heathens

That is why we live like heathensThat is why we live like heathensThat is why we live like heathens

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Silence. There was no sound.

The house held an eery aura- dark and damp, her heart pounding through the unknown stillness. The reticence only made the situation more disturbing to her, and fear ran through the girl's veins as she steadily stepped toward the kitchen. She grabbed a knife from the drawer ever so carefully, not wanting to make the slightest creak.

She wanted to call out for her mother and her father, but she refused, afraid of what may be hiding within the house.

The girl then started moving towards the staircase, looking at the stairs, hesitant to make the first step. Before she could move, there was a crash through the back door- whatever was in, was going out.

There was a  moment of adrenaline that snaked through her limbs, and her feet carried her to a sprint towards the back door, dropping the weapon. She pushed open the already unlocked door and that's when she saw a figure running towards the field across her backyard.

"Hey!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, her throat burning through the sheer power of her cry. Something pulsed within her once again, and she ran towards the forest, following whatever had lurked within the home.

Burning Out ➸ Noah Sebastian x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now