The extermination of secrets

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She was cornered. She shouldn't have been, the Morningstar family and Hellborn's are exempt from the annual extermination. So why is it she's found herself with cuts on her cheek, arms and chest? Someone could reason that the exorcist before Charlie didn't know what she looked like but she told the exorcist. Her advancements only progressed. Did she not believe her? Or did she just not care? The sword of angelic steel was up against her neck just above her Addams apple, the exorcist was putting enough pressure to draw blood but not enough to make her start bleeding out. Charlie carefully swallow the lump in her throat without making the cut worse. She kept her breath slow and even, looking in every possible direction to find a possible exit only to find none.

Is this it? Is this the end? What will happen to the Hotel? Without her there, would Alastor keep it open? If not what would happen to Angel Dust? What will Alastor have Husker and Niffty do now?

What about Vaggie?

Charlie would want Vaggie to move on from her, move on with her life. Do great things the princess knows she's very capable of. To be the brave and strong woman she knows and loves. She wants her to find someone who would treat her right. But who knows if any of that would happen. Vaggie was known to be stubborn and loyal. If the Hotel wasn't shut down after this, Vaggie would be the reason why. She would keep working hard to make sure that Charlie's dream wouldn't die with her. That the type of person she is. Her lip twitched in an attempt to smile at the thought.

She looked to the exorcist angel and made eye contact. The angel leaned in close with a disgustingly satisfied smile on her mask. "Unlike the others, I'm not letting a few rules stop me from doing my job." She took a step back and outstretched her right arm setting up a slash that would surely end the princess's immortal life.

Charlie flinched before closing her eyes tight, preparing for the impact of the sword and the pain that would follow. Finally the hand of the angel swung the sword to deliver the blow.....

10 minutes before the extermination started, the hotel was dim and quiet. It would've been mistaken to be abandoned if it weren't for the guest and most of the staff scattered around the lobby. Husk was wiping down the bar table as Angel lurked on one of the stools, attempting to flirt with the chimera which appeared to be failing as Husker's face grew even more sour. Alastor sat at one of the lounge chair quietly reading "Of Mice and Men" as Nifty ran around every which way cleaning up all the dust and stabbing any insect she found.

Vaggie however could be seen in her and Charlie's shared room. She stared out the window with KeeKee, Razzle and Dazzle sleeping in a pile on the window sill. They hadn't followed their master as she had insisted she would return before the exorcists came so they decided to rest in order to pass the time. However with only 5 minutes left until the slaughter began, Vaggie was now chastising herself for allowing Charlie to leave without anyone to protect her if needed. Charlie was strong, she very well could protect herself and of course Vaggie knew that and trusted Charlie would stay safe. Still she couldn't help but worry. Charlie isn't an aggressive person and would rather beat someone with words and kindness than to use violence. Her demon powers always saved as a last resort and in some cases she still doesn't use it when she should and ends up getting hurt because of it.

Vaggie stared down the entrance of the hotel with anticipation. 'Still no sign of her....whats taking you so long hon?' She thought to herself before turning her attention to the clock counting down the extermination. She staggered when she saw there was only 3 minutes remaining. Adam will be sending the exorcists soon and assuming Charlie was running back home right now, she'll be cutting it too close for comfort.

Without wasting a second, Vaggie sped down to the lobby and asked the others if they'd seen Charlie. Maybe she was so caught up in thought that she didn't notice her girlfriend's presence entering the hotel. Angel and Husk share a look of confusion. "I haven't seen her since she left earlier." The chimera said, not fully remembering what day it is. "I didn't even know she left, I thought she was with you." The porn star gave as he scratched the back of his head in nervous confusion. Vaggie cursed in her native tongue before turning to Niffty and Alastor to ask them the same. Niffty just quickly shook her head before returning to cleaning while Alastor looked up in thought. "Apologies my dear, but I'm afraid haven't seen our resident Demon belle since she departed for her errands. We are in quite the predicament if she does not return soon." Vaggie's anxiety spiked immensely at that. Husk turn to Alastor with even more confusion than before.

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