The Courtroom of Lies

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No matter how many times Charlie woke up like this, she will never get tired of the sight that graces her eyes each morning. Her lovely girlfriend sleeping peacefully with a smile on her features. The princess could never look away from the beauty as her thoughts were flooded with love and compassion for the woman who sleeps next to her. Sure, currently Charlie had to be extremely gentle of the tender wings until they knew for sure that no further harm could come to them. That probably also meant she'd have to keep her wings out for a while until she's healed. Charlie wasn't going to complain though. The wings complemented the fall angel perfectly, they were beautiful in their own right.

Charlie soaked in the image before her, softly brushing some hair from her face and giving her soft peck on the forehead, causing the fallen angel to let out a sigh of content and smile. Its moments like these that make the princess realize the truth in her father's words. In regard to her being his future daughter in law. Because if she was honest with herself, "someday I'm gonna make you my wife." She muttered to herself and pulled Vaggie even closer to her. "I wouldn't have it any other way." Charlie tensed at the sound of Vaggie's voice. She blushed when she saw the wide smirk spread across the angels face. The princess blinked. "How long have you been awake?" The angel finally opened her eye as she chuckled and looked into the hellborns beautiful eyes. "Long enough to hear you say that you want to marry me." Charlie's face blush grew deeper almost resembling a tomato as she buried her face into the crook of her neck to hide her flustered expression. Vaggie laughed even louder at the reaction. The sound made Charlie's soul do leaps, she always loved Vaggie laughter.

After a few minutes she quieted down and the two laid in a comfortable silence, Charlie still buried into her girlfriend's shoulder, taking long breaths of the rose like scent while Vaggie carded her fingers through her long blonde hair. "I was being serious, Charlie." Vaggie said finally breaking the silence. Charlie tensed up before pulling away to make eye contact with the angel and was met with a gaze full of love and compassion for her. She also noticed she called the princess Charlie rather than one of her pet names to emphasize how serious she was. The grip she held around her lovers waist tightened and her chest tightened at she was about to do. With a shaky breath she asked "Even if I were to ask you right now?" Vaggie leaned forward, pressing the foreheads together as they stared into each other's eyes (or eye in Vaggie's case...too soon?), both recognizing the pure adoration present. "I don't care about the how, time, or place. As long as it's you, the answer is yes." Charlie's lip twitched up into a smile. "Good. Because I really want to ask right here, right now, if it weren't for the fact I don't have a ring yet." Vaggie giggled, bringing her hand up and brushing a strand of hair behind Charlie's ear and resting it on her cheek. "We've never needed a material object to label our relationship hon, I don't see why we need one here. So long as we both have one to proudly wear when we are married," Charlie quickly took a small note at the fact that she had said when over if, "so that from then on everyone will know who you belong to and who I belong to, then I'm happy." Vaggie smiled as she wiped away the happy tears now falling from her lovers eyes. Her smile turned to a smirk. "I believe that can be arranged rather easily. I'd do anything for my fiancée." Vaggie wrapped her arms around her neck. "As I would for mine." And they finally closed the distance between them. The kiss was long and passionate but never breaching the bridge between love and lust. They made sure to get their love and adoration for the other to be abundantly clear, to leave no doubt in their minds.

They pulled apart, eyes still closed and foreheads still pressed to each other, bathing in their warmth. They laid still for what seemed like hours, neither feeling the need to move apart just yet.

Unfortunately all good things must come to an end as there was a knock on their door. Charlie took a small glance at it before giving Vaggie a peck on the forehead. "Stay here, I'll go see who it is." Vaggie nodded as she watched her girlfriend, no, fiancée stand up and open the door. Lucifer stood on the other side with a bright smile on his face. "Morning Charlie. Sorry if I interrupted anything, I just wanted to check how the duck in law is holding up with her injuries." Charlie giggled at the nickname her father seemingly gave Vaggie. She moved to the side and invited him in. The woman in the bed had sat up now and watched the king of hell walk around to her. "Alright I'm just gonna want to check up on your injuries. I want to talk to you both about what happened but that can wait until later when you're ready and able. Now before anything else, let's start with introductions. You probably already know but I'm Lucifer Morningstar, fallen archangel, king of hell, and sin of pride. And whom is the woman that has captured my daughter's heart?" He wanted to start small and try and get her more comfortable with his presence, especially considering they'll be in laws in the future. His method seemed to work as she offered a smile in return. "My names Vaggie." She introduced. He rested a hand on her shoulder and gave her a soft look. "It's a pleasure to meet you Vaggie. Now unfortunately in order to get a good look at the injury you will need to lift up at least the back of your shirt, just so I can assess the damage and heal it if needed." Vaggie shifted a bit uncomfortably on the bed but understood and complied as she turned her back to the king and did as requested. Lucifer made sure to make his inspection as quick as possible to ease her from the uncomfortable situation. The skin around the wings were red and a little swollen, most likely tender to touch, but nothing was bleeding anymore which was good. He nodded and gently placed a hand on her shoulder to signal he had seen what he needed to see. Vaggie was quick to pull down her shirt and turn around to face the king. Charlie observed all of this with arms crossed, leaning back on the now closed door for support.

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