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"Hey Finney and Gwen what's up?" I say as i see him and his sister walking to school. "Hey KAILEE they both said at the same time. "So Finney are you still gonna be a bitch and let your bullies beat you up?" I said seriously
He looks at me and sighs "I'm trying, Robin told me the same thing" he says. "Well Finney you have to learn sooner or later because they are gonna keep picking on you and one day me and Robin aren't gonna be here to help you" I say and look at him. He nods and starts walking ahead of me and Gwen.
We get to school and walk inside to our separates classrooms. I walk in and see Robin sitting in his seat which is right next to me. I walk up to him smiling and sit in my seat. "Hey Robin" I say and then he looks up from his bloody fist and smiles at me. I look down and see his fist.
"Beat another kid up?" I said and laughed. "You know it" he said with a grin. The teacher walks in so we quiet down and pay attention.
The bell rang after a long class and then I see Finney run past me really fast. I wonder what he is running from and then look back to see his bullies chasing him to the boys bathroom.
I don't even care I wasn't a boy but I'm definitely gonna go in there and knock some heads together.
I walk in and see them crowding him about to beat him up

"Hey boys why are you guys always picking on people who you know won't fight back, you guys are some real bullies who need to be humbled" I say with a serious face
"Maybe I should call my brother Vance to knock some sense into you guys, now that will be something I have to get front row seats too." I say while laughing my ass off
All 3 of them look at me with scared looks on there faces

"So if you don't want that to happen I will give you 5 seconds to get the fuck out of my sight now". I started counting but before I even got to 2 they started running out the bathroom.
I walked up to Finney
"I know you told me you could figh-" before I finished he pulled me into a hug. "Thank you so much Emma I appreciate it so much" he says while smiling

"No problem Finney" I said back. "Are you doing anything tonight? I was wondering if you wanted to go watch the new Texas chainsaw movie with me?" O
"Um hell yes, but when we're you into horror movies?" I said curiously. "Since Robin told me to watch it" he responds back and grabs my hand and we walk out to our next class.

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