Chapter 3 Falling In Love and Tattoo's

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Chapter 3

Riker's POV


Dani and I were walking home from school. See, well I didn't have a home! I just usually stalked Dani! But not in a creepy way! I would turn away when she removed clothes.. And do work while she's sleeping.. And sometimes if I was lonely I would cuddle her! But I would never do anything creepy or rude!

"So.. How do Angel's age?" Dani's voice broke through my thoughts. I blinked and cleared my throat "We age with our mortal! Well.. When we meet them! I'm actually 23 thousand years old but I went to 18 years when I touched down to earth.." I felt myself loosen up as I explained to her.

I hadn't been able to talk to her for months upon months. Just watching her. Like how she chewed with the left side of her mouth and how she didn't like to cry in front of people. How many nights where she was heartbroken and he wanted to hold her. But had to wait until she cried herself to sleep to hold her. Make her feel pure and happy again.

"I can't fall for you.." I murmur and Dani looked up at me "Hold up!" She put a hand on my abdomen and instantly removed it. Her face gong red as she realized how nice it felt down there.

"Your in love with me?!" Dani said after collecting herself. Her cheeks still flushed as she ran a hand through her hair. I shook my head "It's against the rules for Angels and Humans to fall in love.. So I can't! I was telling you to be careful. That's why I didn't let you kiss me! Plus.. I um.. Didn't want you to kiss me anyways!" Her snorted and Dani looked slightly hurt. Okay I had sounded like a jerk a second ago. I rolled his eyes and continued walking to her house.

I looked around the street, lush green trees and flowery bushes littered the yards on the street. I looked back at Danielle and sighed, I really hurt her feelings... She's never kissed a guy and me saying I don't want to.. Must have made her feel like nobody loves her. I looked at her face, she was staring at the ground with a small pout on her lips. I sighed, she really was beautiful and didn't deserve what she got. She deserved the sun and more. If I could only give it to her..

Dani's POV

I walked into my house and felt the air around Riker grow warm as my mother walked in. I knew instantly that it was to late for Riker to vanish. So I slapped on a smile and said "Hey mom! This is Riker! My study partner and that's what we're going to do! Go and study! In my room! ALONE." I grabbed his hand and instantly my emotions turned to goo and I almost melted. I smiled like an idiot and Riker stumbled after me. My mother said "Wait!" But I had already run upstairs and slammed my bedroom door.

My bedroom was kind of small, it was light green with a dark brown floor. I had lime green bedding and a black wire bed frame. There was a dark brown desk with tons of books from John Green and Sarah Mass, to Geography textbooks. I looked over at my huge portrait of the New York skyline above my bed. Smiling at the thought of New York, the place where I used to live before I moved to Utah.

Riker walked inside and flopped onto my bed and cuddled into the soft fabric. I said "Hey! Take off your shoes!" I scolded. Riker flicked off his boots and I stared at his large feet. A blush spreading on my face as something Piper told me flashed through my mind. Big hands and feet means... No! Danielle Alexis Lawrence! You will not think of your Guardian Angel like that! Wait! Was I mentally talking to myself? Okay this was getting weird!

"Dani? Are you okay? You look like your about to pass out!" Riker said with concern. I looked at him and covered my face "N-No! I'm fine! Just in deep thought! You know what! I think I need to do homework! So I'm.. Going to.. Be over here!" I sat at my desk and ran a hand through my hair, I just HAD to get a good looking angel! I looked over at Riker and smiled softly as I pulled out a history book.

Riker rolled over onto his stomach, his sweater lifted up and my eyes widened. Was that a tattoo? I slowly walked over to Riker and lifted up his shirt. There was the most beautiful tattoo I had ever seen in my entire life! It was angel wings that were perfectly drawn. Like an actual artist had been blessed to paint on his back. It was he most beautiful backside she had ever seen, the details on point. The lines of he feathers, the splitters and even the different shades of white and grey.

I was snapped out of my trance by Riker yanking down his shirt "What the heck!?" He snapped and I raised my hands in defence "Sorry! But aren't Angel's um.. Not supposed to have tattoo's?" I raised my eyebrows and Riker scoffed "Their my wings when their not out and about! Plus I chose that option cause it looks pretty badass.." He smirked and continued "What women wouldn't find a tattoo sexy?"

I laughed and shoved him lightly "You know.. That's pretty true... Sexiest and funniest angel I've ever met!" I grinned and Riker snorted "I'm the only angel you've ever met!" And I said "And that's why I said it.."

Sorry for all the uploading! Like I said I've been cooped up inside and have had nothing to do because my internet isn't that good! I'm surprised that I'm able to upload these!

Anyways I hope you liked the chapter! If you can please share it!

Twitter and Instagram: LovinRiker

Till next time my Sparkly Unicorns


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