The Victor Tour of District 4

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Ophelia couldn't help but feel pity for the District 4 victor. She couldn't even in the slightest comprehend how he continued to smile after all of these hours as if he wasn't through hell and back.

He looked nothing like their own Victor who won at 15 and now was turning 21. But then again, he always looked as if he was kept under the water for hours and only now submerged and was incredibly pissed. And yet the Capitol people loved him. The people of District 5 loved him. Tobias was the reason why most of the tributes of their district lasted more than 5 minutes or a few days.

However, it still didn't bring them any victors yet. And she dreaded that fact. Imagine the day when she has to participate in this battle of death and life. She knew that her family dreaded this as well. And that was exactly the reason why she wasn't at the ceremony or the party very long.

One wrong move or breath and she would be one without a second thought. But she couldn't be ungrateful for that fact. Since this was the only reason why she could live as soon as she could. All of these people...all of these cameras and lights and fake made her obnoxious and dizzy.

And that's why she pitied the boy who was older than her only for a year. And that's why she wasn't so surprised when she spotted him by one of the lakes, watching the sun go off the horizon. And she couldn't lie to herself and say that he wasn't even more handsome up close, but then again something told her that this served him wrong.

She contemplated turning around and going unnoticed back, but when she spotted him it was a little bit too late for that. He was already startled and looked at her with panicked eyes trying to bring his smile back.

"Sorry," She said raising her hand in a calming manner. "I didn't want to interrupt you. Or startle you really." She felt herself turning a little bit under the gaze of his see-green eyes.

"That's alright," He said with a smile. "I am always available for pretty girls like you"

She ignored his comment completely. It hardly had any real sense and therefore wasn't worth acknowledgment.

"I am...I am going back. But...don't worry, I will not tell anyone that the lost victor escaped the party in his honor to watch the sunset. I imagine it wouldn't be good for you"

Or for his image for that matter. She wanted to add but knew it wasn't a good thing to say.

So she turned around, wanting nothing more than to disappear somewhere in the park and be gone. But was stopped immediately by the newcomer.

"Wait," She stopped, turning around. "You can stay," Ophelia furrowed her brows.

"I wouldn't want to interrupt your piece," She said.

"You wouldn't" He immediately said. "It would be nice to have company actually"


"Really. After all, I am in your district" She rolled her eyes at that but came closer nevertheless. "I am Finnick Odair, not that you don't know that already."

"Ophelia," She said, landing on the grass close to him. "Ophelia Blackthorn. But everyone calls me Phel"

"That's nice to meet you, Phel," He said with a smile and she couldn't notice that this time this smile reached his eyes.

"That's nice to meet you too, Finn," She mirrored his smile and looked at the sunset before them. Letting the last rays of sunshine bath them in their warm and quiet conversation flow easily around them.

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