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"That is the second win of this District," Snow said, displeasure evident in his voice, watching the end of the Victory Tour in District 5.

Everything he could think of was that no one had so much luck as the girl standing on the platform with a closed-out posture. It seemed that the only reason she was standing there was not pride or happiness for her survival, but the protocols that required her there. He despised it, even though he saw that she tried to smile as hard as she could.

"Indeed," Crane said, watching the girl curiously. None of them paid attention to the boy who was sitting at the other end of the table. His blonde hair perfectly stalled, blue eyes glued to the girl on the platform.

The boy, Remus Snow, was captivated by her, to say the least. No matter the blood on her hands or her doings at the arena. He couldn't even imagine how could she go through all of the terror and not go mad completely.

How any of them could?

"That way, people in the Capitol grow bored," President pointed out, but Seneca answered him with a pleasant smile.

"I don't think so," Snow raised a brow, not turning around and looking at him. Continuing watching every move that the brunette girl of almost 16 made. "If you ask me, I can say that they were putting on a very good show at that arena. Lilith with her plant knowledge, and know her sister," He pointed at the girl who ended her speech with a grateful smile. "With her sneaking tactic"

"She proved us to be idiots," Show said. "And what's more important didn't give enough entertainment"

"She killed her opponents using their stupidity, President Snow. It was the most entertaining that we could even ask for. Always ask ourselves: where will we find her later? Who would die from her hand?" He shook his head with a smile on his face. "It's..."

"Who is that?" Snow interrupted him, looking at the brunette who was enveloped in a hug by a girl of the same age or a little younger than Hazel with copper-toned blonde hair.

The boy on the other side of the table froze from the cold tone of his grandfather, knowing perfectly well what it meant.

He found his new victim. The one that will pay for the fall of his plans.

"Em..." Seneca mumbled, looking uncertain now. "Her friend, I believe."

"I can see that, Seneca. I asked you who is she?"

Seneca looked around the room as if trying to find the answer to that question there, but was met with nothing.

"Julliete," Snow called out and a blonde woman immediately made her way into the room. Her face was stony and unemotional, her posture perfect and strict as a line. "Yes?" She said and Snow pointed out at the screen. "Do you know her?"

She looked at the girl as if trying to remember who she was and for some reason, Rem prayed that she wouldn't remember her. Because he did. He knew who she was. Saw her in the pictures and knew her from the briff words of Hazel, Lilith, Tobias, and the blonde victor from District 4 that he overheard. But his hopes weren't answered. And he didn't really know when they were.

"Yes, Mr. President. This is Ophelia Blackthorn," She said unbothered.

"Blackthorn?" He repeated, and the woman nodded. Snow's eyes glinted with remorse and something else that Remus couldn't decipher. He turned his gaze to the black-haired man. Seneca swallowed at the intensity of it. "I think you know what to do,"

"Yes, sir," He mumbled.

And so the destiny of Ophelia Blackthorn was decided.     

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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